Andrew Haung 转载请注明作者及联络方式
学员项目需要用到JoyStick来远程控制云台。以前在用SDL在游戏中很简单的就可以控制。但是现在需要在Linux C下直接调用C来控制JoyStick。因此找了一些资料来看。
20.0元 |
Linux C控制JoyStick的比较简单,首先在JoyStick在Linux 安装好驱动后会在/dev/input生成js0.对其设备控制,就是读取相应的结构来判断用户输入哪一些指令.
struct js_event { unsigned int time; /* event timestamp in milliseconds */ short value; /* value */ unsigned char type; /* event type */ unsigned char number; /* axis/button number */ };
当按下1-4号键会发送type = 1 (Button),number = 0- 3的值
按下 select 返回 type = 1,number = 8,
按下 start 返回 type = 1,number = 9
js_event 的type 为2.(AXIS).
上键/下键:number = 6,两者的区别在于value,上键按下value = -32767,松开等于 = 0.
下健按下value = 32767,松开等于 0
左/右键:number = 5两者的区别在于value,左键按下value = -32767,松开等于 = 0.
右健按下value = 32767,松开等于 0
上键/下键:number =1, 左/右键:number =0.
左侧旋转杆,向上拨 type = 2,number = 1,value = -32767
向下拨 type = 2,number = 1,value = 32767
向左 type = 2,number = 2,value = -32767
向右 type = 2,number = 2,value = 32767
向上type = 2,number = 2 ,value =-32767
向下拨 type = 2,number = 2,value = 32767
向左 type = 2,number = 3,value = -32767
向右 type = 2,number = 3,value = 32767
/* (C) Copyright 2007,2008, Stephen M. Cameron.
This file is part of wordwarvi.
wordwarvi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
wordwarvi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with wordwarvi; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
*/ #include <stdio.h> #ifndef __JOYSTICK_H__ #define __JOYSTICK_H__
#define JOYSTICK_DEVNAME "/dev/input/js0"
#define JS_EVENT_BUTTON 0x01 /* button pressed/released */ #define JS_EVENT_AXIS 0x02 /* joystick moved */ #define JS_EVENT_INIT 0x80 /* initial state of device */
struct js_event { unsigned int time; /* event timestamp in milliseconds */ short value; /* value */ unsigned char type; /* event type */ unsigned char number; /* axis/button number */ };
struct wwvi_js_event { int button[11]; int stick1_x; int stick1_y; int stick2_x; int stick2_y; };
extern int open_joystick(char *joystick_device); extern int read_joystick_event(struct js_event *jse); extern void set_joystick_y_axis(int axis); extern void set_joystick_x_axis(int axis); extern void close_joystick(); extern int get_joystick_status(struct wwvi_js_event *wjse);
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>
#include "joystick.h"
static int joystick_fd = -1;
int open_joystick(char *joystick_device) { joystick_fd = open(joystick_device, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); /* read write for force feedback? */ if (joystick_fd < 0) return joystick_fd;
/* maybe ioctls to interrogate features here? */
return joystick_fd; }
int read_joystick_event(struct js_event *jse) { int bytes;
bytes = read(joystick_fd, jse, sizeof(*jse));
if (bytes == -1) return 0;
if (bytes == sizeof(*jse)) return 1;
printf("Unexpected bytes from joystick:%d\n", bytes);
return -1; }
void close_joystick() { close(joystick_fd); }
int get_joystick_status(struct wwvi_js_event *wjse) { int rc; struct js_event jse; if (joystick_fd < 0) return -1;
// memset(wjse, 0, sizeof(*wjse));
while ((rc = read_joystick_event(&jse) == 1)) { jse.type &= ~JS_EVENT_INIT; /* ignore synthetic events */ if (jse.type == JS_EVENT_AXIS) { switch (jse.number) { case 0: wjse->stick1_x = jse.value; break; case 1: wjse->stick1_y = jse.value; break; case 2: wjse->stick2_x = jse.value; break; case 3: wjse->stick2_y = jse.value; break; default: break; } } else if (jse.type == JS_EVENT_BUTTON) { if (jse.number < 10) { switch (jse.value) { case 0: case 1: wjse->button[jse.number] = jse.value; break; default: break; } } } } // printf("%d\n", wjse->stick1_y);
return 0; }
#if 1 /* a little test program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd, rc; int done = 0;
struct js_event jse;
fd = open_joystick("/dev/js0"); if (fd < 0) { printf("open failed.\n"); exit(1); }
while (!done) { rc = read_joystick_event(&jse); usleep(1000); if (rc == 1) { printf("Event: time %8u, value %8hd, type: %3u, axis/button: %u\n", jse.time, jse.value, jse.type, jse.number); } } } #endif
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