偷得浮生半桶水(半日闲), 好记性不如抄下来(烂笔头). 信息爆炸的时代, 学习是一项持续的工作.
分类: Windows平台
2020-06-12 18:08:15
- choco install -y python --version 3.8.3
- choco install -y vcredist2013 vcredist140
- choco install -y curl
- ## openssl
- ## https://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-1_1_1g.msi 63MB版本.
- 安装并添加 环境变量 D:\IDE\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\. 执行 setx -m OPENSSL_CONF D:\IDE\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg
- ## 安装 Visual Studio 2019.
- ## 安装OpenCV
- 并添加 环境变量 D:\IDE\opencv\x64\vc16\bin
- PS 执行 setx -m OpenCV_DIR D:\IDE\opencv
- ## 其他依赖
- ## CMake 并添加 环境变量 D:\Tools\CMake\bin\cmake.exe
- ## 下载 下面的 nupkg 到 G:\ROS2\repository\目录.
- 执行 choco install -y -s G:\ROS2\repository asio cunit eigen tinyxml-usestl tinyxml2 log4cxx bullet
- ### 安装python的库
- python -m pip install -U setuptools pip
- python -m pip install -U catkin_pkg cryptography empy ifcfg lark-parser lxml netifaces numpy opencv-python pyparsing pyyaml setuptools
- pip install -U pytest pytest-mock coverage mock
- pip install -U flake8 flake8-blind-except flake8-builtins flake8-class-newline flake8-comprehensions flake8-deprecated flake8-docstrings flake8-import-order flake8-quotes mypy pep8 pydocstyle
- choco install -y cppcheck
- 现在安装QT5 下载并安装
- 我用的是在线安装 QT5. 选择的时候选中 Qt5.15.0 msvc2019
- set Qt5_DIR=D:\IDE\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64
- python -m pip install -U pydot PyQt5 vcstool colcon-common-extensions
- 下载 或者使用 choco install graphviz
- 安装到 D:\IDE\Graphviz2.38\, 并把 D:\IDE\Graphviz2.38\bin添加到环境变量PATH.
- 下载 https://s3.amazonaws.com/RTI/Bundles/5.3.1/Evaluation/rti_connext_dds_secure-5.3.1-eval-x64Win64VS2017.zip
- 400MB大小, 安装
- 1), install rti_connext_dds-5.3.1-eval-
.exe, 2), when the installation reaches the last interface, select start launcher now, then a new window will pop up, select the “Installation” tab. 3), there is an icon in the lower right corner to install RTI Security Plugins, click on it, a new interface pops up, then select rti_security_plugins-5.3.1-eval-.rtipkg, 4) After the above is completed, continue to install the plugin and select openssl-1.0.2n-5.3.1-host-.rtipkg. 5), extract openssl-1.0.2n-target-x64Win64VS2017 to c:\rti. 6), add the environment variable NDDSHOME to C:\Program Files\rti_connext_dds-5.3.1"- 然后设置 set "NDDSHOME=D:\IDE\rti_connext_dds-5.3.1"
- 安装 ROS2 下载 ros2-foxy-*-windows-AMD64.zip, 解压到 G:\ROS2\foxy\
- 或者 G:\ROS2\foxy\ 执行 PS, 命令 [ curl -o ros2.repos; vcs import --input ros2.repos src ] 也可以得到
- 执行 ROS环境. call G:\ROS2\foxy\ros2-windows\local_setup.bat
- 执行 例程 ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker / ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener
然后 下一步就是学些 ROS2的编译环境 colcon 以及 demos 学习了.