偷得浮生半桶水(半日闲), 好记性不如抄下来(烂笔头). 信息爆炸的时代, 学习是一项持续的工作.
分类: 其他平台
2018-07-06 14:58:15
4、sudo service lightdm restart
I used the normal installation.
"Download updates during installation" was checked
"Install 3rd parties for Gfx/Wifi/.." was not checked.
1 . Edit /etc/hosts.allow to set (cf. Gnome doc.).
ALL: ALL #Wide opened to be sure the problem isn't here
2 . Edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to set:
[security] DisallowTCP=false [xdmcp] Enable=true
3 . Restart gdm
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 restart
sudo apt install xnest Xnest -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 :1
Unfortunately, I only have a black screen with regular white flash.
Where did I do something wrong ?