主要有 两个 ROS pack
apt 没有 melodic 的版本, 所以尝试从源码安装一下。
的 readme.md
1. sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rgbd-launch ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libuvc ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libuvc-camera ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libuvc-ros
2. ss; git clone
3. 编译 astra sm --pkg=astra_camera
4. roscd astra_camera; ./scripts/create_udev_rules
roslaunch astra_camera astra.launch
或者 roslaunch astra_camera stereo_s.launch
*/image_raw: depth/rgb/ir raw images
*/image_rect_raw: images rectified by intrinsic/extrinsic parameters
*/camera_info: camera intrinsic/extrinsic parameters
/camera/depth/points: point cloud without color information
/camera/depth_registered/points: xyzrgb point cloud
/camera/get_device_type: return a string containing astra device type
/camera/get_ir_exposure: get exposure value of ir camera
/camera/get_ir_gain: get gain value of ir camera
/camera/get_serial: get serial number
/camera/get_uvc_exposure: get exposure value of rgb camera
/camera/get_uvc_gain: get gain value of rgb camera
/camera/get_uvc_white_balance: get white balance value of rgb camera
/camera/reset_ir_exposure: reset ir exposure to default value
/camera/reset_ir_gain: reset ir gain to default value
/camera/set_ir_exposure: set ir exposure to specific value
/camera/set_ir_gain: set ir gain to specific value
/camera/set_laser: turn on (true) or turn off (false) laser
/camera/set_uvc_exposure: set uvc exposure. (set 0 indicating auto mode)
/camera/set_uvc_gain: set uvc gain
/camera/set_uvc_white_balance: set uvc white balance (set 0 indicating auto mode)
/camera/set_ir_flood: turn on (true) or turn off (false) ir flood
rosservice call /camera/get_ir_exposure 获取 IR 曝光
rosservice call /camera/set_ir_exposure "{exposure: 50}"
//开关 laser
rosservice call /camera/set_laser "{enable: true}" #turn on
rosservice call /camera/set_laser "{enable: false}" #turn off
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