1. 经常发生收取 timeout/ rx_err_callback 的情况, 调试发现很多情况是对端 延迟发送时调用 的 starttx 发生错误, 即设置的 delay时间错误, 适当加大即可.
This timeout is for complete reception of a frame, i.e. timeout duration must take into account the length of the expected frame. Here the value is arbitrary but chosen large enough to make sure that there is enough time to receive a complete frame sent by the "RX then send a response"
example at the 110k data rate used (around 3 ms).
HPDWARN: reg:0F:00 bit:27
Half Period Delay Warning. This event status bit relates to the use of delayed transmit and delayed receive functionality. It indicates the delay is more than half a period of the systemclock.
For delayed send/receive the send/receive time is programmed into Register file: 0x0A –
Delayed Send or Receive Time and then the delayed sending/receiving is initiated by the
TXDLYS/RXDLYE controls in Register file: 0x0D – System Control Register. The delayed transmit
and receive functionality is described in detail in sections 3.3 – Delayed Transmission and 4.2 –
Delayed Receive.
//inst->fixedReplyDelayAnc32h = ((uint64)instance_convert_usec_to_devtimeu (respframe + RX_RESPONSE_TURNAROUND) >> 8);
inst->fixedReplyDelayAnc32h = ((uint64)instance_convert_usec_to_devtimeu (3000) >> 8); //fixed by iibull
调试 OK.
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