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分类: Android平台
2016-04-06 17:29:03
I’ve recently upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 and this is a great operating system. However, if you do some arm development and expect to be able to install cross libraries (armel/armhf) or easily generate an arm rootfs using the tools you’ve been used to, you’ll be disappointed.
In Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric), I used xapt and dpkg-cross to retrieve armel libraries, but it’s , at least on my system. I’ve been told to switch to because this will be how it’s done from now on. But I soon discovered this is as quite a few packages are not multiarched yet .
Ubuntu developers also decided to (which makes sense since xapt/dpkg-cross will be deprecated), so if you want to generate a rootfs the “gool ol’” way (which won’t be supported much longer), you’d have to install an Oneric chroot to run rootstock, or copy the rootstock script in Pangolin.
There are 2 ways to get an Ubuntu rootfs now:
If you select method 1, you’ll then need to install the needed packages with apt-get. In case your target board only support Wi-Fi (i.e. no Ethernet), you may have to download the required packages (e.g. wireless-tools, wpa-supplicant…) and install them manually (TBC).
To get the armel rootfs:
wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-core-12.04-core-armel.tar.gz
and the armhf roofs:
wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-core-12.04-core-armhf.tar.gz
Several Ubuntu rootfs are available with the monthly Linaro releases:
You can get the latest images monthly from usually released around the 25th.