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分类: 网络与安全

2012-08-02 13:44:29


OBEX OBject Exchange Protocol 对象交换协议
Bluetooth SIG Bluetooth Special Interest Group 蓝牙特殊兴趣小组
IrDA Infra-red Data Association 红外数据联合会
IrMC Ir Mobile Communications 红外移动通信
IrCOMM Ir Communications红外通信
IrOBEX Ir Object Exchange 红外对象交换协议
L2CA Logical Link Control And Adaptation 逻辑链路控制和适配
L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol 逻辑链路控制和适配协议
LSB Least Significant Bit 最低位
MSB Most Significant Bit 最高位
PDU Protocol Data Unit 协议数据单元
SD Service Discovery 服务搜索
SDP Service Discovery Protocol 服务搜索协议
SDDB Service Discovery Database 服务搜索数据库
TCP/IP 传输控制协议/网间网协议
TCS Telephony Control Specification 电话控制协议
GM Group Management 组管理
LM Link Manager 链路管理
LMP Link Manager Protocol 链路管理协议
BB Baseband 基带
CC Call Control 呼叫控制
WUG Wireless User Group 无线用户组
DTMF 双音多频应用
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication 接收信号场强指示
WAT Wireless Application Environment 无线应用环境
WML Wireless Markup Language 无线标记语言
WAP Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议
WDP Wireless Data Protocol 无线数据协议
WTP Wireless Transaction Protocol 无线事务协议
WSP Wireless Session Protocol 无线会话协议
WAN Wide Area Network 广域网
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 无线局域网
SSL 安全套接字协议
URL Universal Resource Locator 统一资源定位
PPP IETF 点对点协议
HCI Host Controler Interface 主控制器接口
ACL Asychronous Connectionless Link 异步无连接
BD_ADDR 蓝牙设备地址
DH Data-High Rate Data 高速率数据 
DM Data-Medium Rate Data 中速率数据
DIAC Devoted Inquiry Access Code 专用查询识别码
DUT Device Under Test测试中设备
DV Data Voice 数据语音
GIAC General Inquiry Access Code 通用查询访问码
LAP Low Address Part 低地址段
LC  Link Controller 链路控制器
OCF 操作码指令域
OGF 操作码组域
RF 射频
SCO Synchronous Connection-Oriented 同步面向连接
USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行接口 
COBS 一致开销字节填充法
TCI Test Control Interface 测试控制接口
TDD Time Division Duplex 分时双工 
CAC Channel Access Code 信道访问码
DAC Device Access Code 设备访问码
IAC Inquiry Access Code 查询访问码
CVSD Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation 连接可变斜率增量调制
HV High quality Voice 高保真语音
ACK Acknowledge 确认
AG Audio Gateway 语音网关
AM_ADDR Active Member Address 活动的成员地址
AP Access Point 接入点
API Application Programming Interface 应用编程接口
AR_ADDR Access Request Address 访问请求地址
BB Baseband 基带
BCH Bose, Chaudhuri & Hocquenghem Type of code 搏斯-乔赫里-霍克文黑姆码
BER Bit Error Rate 误码率
BT Bandwidth Time 带宽时间
CODEC Coder Decoder 编解码器
COF Ciphering Offset 加密补偿
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验码
CTP Cordless Telephony Profile 无绳电话应用
DC Bias Direct Current Bias 直流补偿
DCE Data Communication Equipment 数据通信设备
DCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment 数据电路端接设备
DCI Default Check Initialization 缺省的检错初始值
DIAC Dedicated Inquiry Access Code 专用查询码
DT Data Terminal 数据终端 
DUT Device Under Test 在测试的设备
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准组织
FCC Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会
FEC Forward Error Correction Code 前向纠错码
FH Frequency Hopping 跳频
FHS Frequency Hop Synchronization 跳频同步
FIFO First In First Out 先进先出
FSK Frequency Shift Keying type of modulation 频移键控,一种调制方式
FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议
FW Firmware 固件(一般指硬件中的程序)
GAP Generic Access Profile 通用访问应用
GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying 高斯频移键控
GM Group Management 主管理 
GOEP Generic Object Exchange Profile 通用对象交换应用
GW Gateway 网关
HA Host Application SW using Bluetooth 使用Bluetooth主机应用软件 
HEC Header-Error-Check 头校验码
HID Human Interface Device 人机接口设备
HS Headset 戴在头上的耳机或听筒
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议
HW Hardware 硬件
IEEE Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 电气和电子工程师协会
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force  Internet工作任务组
ISM Industrial ,Scientific, Medical 工业、科学、医疗
ITT Implementation Under Test 在测试实现
L-CH Logical Channel 逻辑信道
LAN Local Area Network 局域网
LAP LAN Access Point 局域网接入点
LAP Lower Address Part 低位地址部分
LC Link Controller 链路控制器
LCP Link Control Protocol 链路控制协议
LCSP Link Controller Service Signaling 链路控制器服务信令
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register 线性反馈移位寄存器
LIAC Limited Inquiry Access Code 有限查询访问码 
LOP Low Power Oscillator 低功率振荡器
LocDev Local Device 本地设备
M Master or Mandatory Master 必须的(用于帧格式)
M_ADDR Medium Access Control Address 介质访问控制地址
MAC Medium Access Control 介质访问控制
MAPI Messaging Application Procedure Interface 消息应用过程接口
ME Management Entity 管理实体
MM Mobility Management 移动管理
MMI Man Machine Interface 人机接口
MSC Message Sequence Chart 信息序列表
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 最大传输单元 
NAK Negative Acknowledge 消极确认
NAP Non-significant Address Part 不重要的地址部分
PCM Pulse Coded Modulation 脉冲编码调制
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association 个人计算机存储器卡国际联合会
PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理
PIM Personal Information Management 个人信息管理
PIN Personal Identification Number 个人识别码
PM_ADDR Parked Member Address 休眠的Bluetooth 单元的地址
PN Pseudo-random Noise 伪随机噪声
PnP Plug and Play 即插即用
POTS Plain Old Telephone System 简易老式电话系统 
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol 点对点协议
PPM Part Per Million 百万分之一
PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence 伪随机比特序列
PRNG Pseudo Random Noise Generation 伪随机噪声生成
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用交换电话网 
OoS Quality of Service 服务质量
RAND Random number 随机数
RF Radio Frequency 射频
RFC Request For Comments 草案
RFCOMM Serial cable emulation protocol based on ETSI TS 07.10  基于ETST TS 07.10的串行电缆模拟协议 
RX Receiver 接收器
RS-232 串行通信接口,由电气工业协会Electronic Industries Association (EIA)制定的通信标准
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication接收的信号强度指示,无线发送层的可选部分,用来判定链接质量,以及是否增大广播发送强度。
RTX Timer 响应终止计时器,在 L2CAP layer 层使用,用于当远端没有发出响应消息时,终止信道的通信。当发送请求到远程设备时,就启动该计时器。
SAP Service Access Points 服务接入点
SAR Segmentation and Reassembly sublayer 分组/装配子层
SEQN Sequential Numbering scheme 序列号码机制
SUT System Under Test 在测试系统
SW Software 软件
Scatternet 分布网,由多个独立的和非同步的微微网组成
SCO Synchronous Connection Oriented link面向连接的同步链路,支持对时延敏感的信息如语音。蓝牙中定义的两种数据链路方式之一。用保留带宽进行同步通信(电路交换),即两台设备在LMP层利用保留时隙在物理信道上周期传送传送数据包。这种类型的链接主要用于传送SCO包(语音数据)。SCO 包不包括CRC码,且不进行重传。主要支持传输有时间限制的信息,例如声音。仅仅在ACL链接已经建立之后,才可以建立SCO 链接。参见ACL。
SCID Source Channel Identifier 源设备信道标识,在L2CAP layer层使用,用来指示发送L2CAP消息的设备的结束点。这是个设备本地名。参见DCID。
SDAP Service Discovery Application Profile 服务发现应用规范
SDP client SDP 客户,从服务记录中获取信息的客户,通过发出SDP请求,由SDP 服务器进行维护。
SDP server SDP服务器,用于维护服务记录清单,这些服务记录描述了同服务器相关联的服务的特性。
SDP Session SDP对话,在SDP客户和SDP服务器之间的信息交换。信息的一次交换称为SDP transaction.
SDP Transaction SDP事务处理,在SDP客户和SDP服务器之间交换请求和响应信息。
Security Mode 1 安全模式1,没有设置任何安全措施的设备,属于非安全模式。
Security Mode 2 安全模式2,在信道通信建立之前,不设定安全步骤,允许应用程序使用不同的和可改变的安全策略,尤其适用于同时运行不同的安全策略的应用程序的场合。属于服务级的安全模式。
Security Mode 3 安全模式3,在LMP level层的链路建立完成之前,就已经规划好安全步骤。属于链路级的安全模式。
Serial Interface 提供串行通信的接口。
Service (SDP layer) 服务(SDP层),实体,该实体可以提供信息,实现一个动作或者控制另外一个实体资源。服务可以用软件,硬件或者软硬件组合的方式实现。
Service Advisor 服务指导者,用于处理BT服务的UI的部分。
Service Attribute 服务属性,每个服务属性描述了服务的单一特性。
Service Discovery 服务发现,参见SDP。
Service Class 服务类,服务类的定义提供了代表该类的实例中所包含的所有属性的定义。
Service Layer 服务层,为应用层和蓝牙设备中的驱动层提供服务的协议组。
Service Record 服务记录,包含了服务的所有的信息的记录,该服务由SDP server进行维护。
Service Record Database 服务记录数据库,包含服务相关信息的数据库。
Service Record Handle 服务记录句柄,这是个32位的数字,唯一标识SDP server服务器中的服务记录。
Slave Device 子设备,微微网中不是主设备的设备,该网中可以有很多子设备。
Sniff Mode 呼吸模式,同步到微微网中的设备可以进入节能模式,此时设备的活动程度降低了。在呼吸模式下,子设备以减少了的周期监听微微网,呼吸的间隔可以通过程序设置,并且可以取决于应用程序。在三种节能模式(sniff, hold 和park)中,呼吸模式耗能最多。
Source 源设备,该设备向另外一个蓝牙设备启动一个动作,接收动作信息的设备称为目的设备(destination)。源设备通常是已经建立连接的一部分。但也有例外,(如在inquiry / page 过程中)
SR 重复扫描,在baseband layer层使用的模式,用来判定设备扫描寻呼响应的时间。 
TAE Terminal Adapter Equipment 终端适配设备
TBD To Be Defined 未定义 
TC Test Control 测试控制
TCI Test Control Interface 测试控制接口
UDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议
TCS Binary Telephony Control Specification 二进制电话控制标准
TX Transmitter 发送端
TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网间网协议
TCS-AT 电话控制协议标准的一套AT命令集合,可在多种使用模式下控制移动电话和调制解调器。在英国电信的规定中,AT命令基于ITU-T推荐的v.250 和ETS 300 916(GSM 07.07)标准。除此之外,还规定了传真服务所用的命令。TCS-AT也使用拨号网络和耳机规范。
TCS Binary 蓝牙电话控制协议标准,使用的是面向位的协议,也称为TCS-BIN系统。TCS-BIN用于无绳电话规范。
TDD Time Division Duplex时分双工
TGAP Timer used in the General Access Profile (GAP) 在通用访问规范中使用的定时器
Time Slot 时隙,在蓝牙系统的物理链路中一个625us长的时间片,可以认为是从一个蓝牙设备发送一个包到另外一个设备所用的时间。
TTP OBEX和UDP间的微小传输协议
UA Channel User Asynchronous data channel 用户异步数据信道,蓝牙系统中定义的5个逻辑信道之一。该信道传送的是L2CAP 的透明的异步数据,通常在ACL link层进行发送。
UI Channel 用户等时数据信道,蓝牙系统中定义的5个逻辑信道之一。该信道传送的是L2CAP 层的透明的等时用户数据,通常在ACL link进行传送,在更高层,它由定时启动包支持。
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System 通用移动通信系统
US Channel User Synchronous data channel 用户同步数据信道,蓝牙系统中定义的5个逻辑信道之一。其传送的是同步的用户数据。它仅用在同步链接中(SCO link )。
UA User Asynchronous user data 用户异步数据
UAP Upper Address Part 高位地址部分
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 通用异步收发器
UC User Control 用户控制
UI User Isohronous user data 用户同步数据
UT Upper Tester 高层测试
UUID Universally Unique Identifier 通用唯一标识 
ID Abbr Full Name Chinese Name English Description Chineses Description Desc_cn
146 1G 1G 第一代 First generation. Refers to the first generation cellular phones that were analog-based technology 第一代模拟蜂窝电话技术 
148 2.5G 2.5G 第2.5代 Second-and-a-half generation. Refers to the additional features and functionality added to digital cellular phones, such as Internet access and messaging. 在第二代的基础上又添加了一些功能和特征, 例如:上网和发送信息 
147 2G 2G 第二代 Second generation. Refers to the second generation cellular phones that introduced digital technology (CDMA, TDMA, and GSM). 第二代数字蜂窝电话技术,例如:CDMA, TDMA,和 GSM 
141 2-in-1 Handset 2-in-1 Handset 二合一手机 The situation where a subscriber handset is acting as a remote handset to a base unit which provides a network connection. 用户的手机除了具有一般手机的功能外,还用作提供网络连接服务的基单元。 
142 3G 3G 第三代 Third generation. Refers to the next generation of digital phone technology (such as UMTS) 指下一代的数字电话技术 
149 3-in-1 Wireless Communication 3-in-1 Wireless Communication 三合一无线通信 Cellular phone systems that provide wireless telephony, Short Message Service, and Distpatch. 
143 802.11 WLAN 802.11 WLAN A Wireless Lan specification defined by the IEEE """一个由IEEE制定的无线局域网标准
150 Acceptor Acceptor 接收器 The Bluetooth device receiving an action from another Bluetooth device. The device sending the action is called the initiator. The acceptor is typically part of an established link. 
144 Access Code Access Code 每个基带的信息包 Each baseband packet starts with an Access code, which can be one of 3 types, CAC, DAC & IAC. The CAC consists of a preamble, sync word and trailer, and its total length is 72 bits. When used as a self-contained message without a packet header, the DAC and IAC do not include the trailer bits and are of length 68 bits. 其开始部分是访问码,访问码可以是如下三种类型之一:CAC、DAC和 IAC。CAC包括preamble, sync word 和trailer位,其总长为72位。一旦作为不带包头(packet header)的自包含信息传输时, DAC和IAC就不包括trailer位,其长度达到68位。 
151 ACCY Accessory 
4 ACK Acknowledge 确认 
361 ACL Asychronous Connectionless Link 异步无连接 
5 ACL link Asynchronous Connection-Less link 异步链路 Provides a packet-switched connection 蓝牙系统中定义的两种数据链路之一。这是个在LMP level上创建的两种设备之间的异步链接(分组交换)连接。这种类型的链接主要用来发送ACL(异步链路)包。另外一种数据链接类型是SCO 
6 ACO Authenticated Ciphering Offset 经过认证和加密 
259 Active Code Active Code 活动模式 蓝牙设备主动参与信道的传输工作。在此模式下,主设备可以调度不同的子设备之间的信息传输。除此之外,活动模式还支持按照规则进行传输,以使得子设备在信道上保持同步。处于活动模式的子设备监听来自主设备的信息包。如果活动的子设备未设定地址,它将处于休眠(暂停)状态,直到在下一周期,接收到主设备新发送的信息。 
152 AG Audio Gateway 语音网关 
7 AM_ADDR Active Member Address 活动成员地址 由3位组成。只有信道上的子设备处于活动模式下,该地址方为有效的。有时也称为蓝牙设备的MAC地址 
153 AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service. Standard analog cellular telephone service 
154 AP Access Point 接入点 
155 API Application Programming Interface 
156 Application Layer Application Layer 应用层 The group of protocols at the user level. The application layer in the Bluetooth protocol layers will contain those protocols involved with the user interface (UI). 
8 AR_ADDR Access Request Address 访问请求地址 由处于暂停模式的子设备使用,在访问窗口中,用来测定子设备到主设备的传输信息时,子设备所在的地址,此时,子设备可以发送访问请求信息。仅适用于子设备处于暂停模式,而且该地址不必唯一。 
9 ARQ Automatic Repeat reQuest 自动重复请求 """占1位的确认指示位,指示数据源是否成功地传输了带有CRC的payload数据。""" 
157 AT Command Handler AT Command Handler A module that handles the AT commands which control a phone or modem (between a DTE and a DCE). 
158 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 
161 authenticate using a passkey authenticate using a passkey The procedure where a user is requested to enter a passkey during the establishment procedure, where the devices did not share a common link key beforehand. This differs from the bonding procedure where the user enters the passkey without it being requested. 
159 authentication authentication 鉴定 The process of verifying 'who' is at the other end of the link. Authentication is performed for devices. In Bluetooth, this is achieved by the authentication procedure based on the stored link key or by pairing (entering a PIN). 
160 authentication device authentication device 验证设备 A device whose identity has been verified during the lifetime of the current link based on the authentication procedure. 
162 authorization authorization "The process of deciding if device X is allowed to have access to service Y. This is where the concept of trusted exists. Trusted devices (the device is authenticated and indicated as ""trusted""), are allowed access to services. Untrusted or unknown devices may require authorization based on user interaction before it is allowed access to the services. This does not principally exclude that the authorization maight be give by an application automatically. Authorization always includes authentication." 
260 AUX 异步链路 (ACL link)数据包的类型之一,一个 AUX1 包括了DH1 包,但不带CRC 码。它可以最多装载30字节的信息。 
10 BB BaseBand 基带 The baseband describes the specifications of the digital signal processing part of the hardware -- the Bluetooth link controller, which carries out the baseband protocols and other low-level link routines. 描述了数字信号处理的标准硬件部分:蓝牙链接控制器,有基带协议和其他底层的链接规程。 
11 BCH Bose, Chaudhuri & Hocquenghem Type of code. The persons who discovered these codes in 1959 (H) and 1960 (B&C) 
12 BD_ADDR Bluetooth Device Address 蓝牙设备地址 每个蓝牙收发器被分配了唯一的一个48位的设备地址,该地址包括24位的LAP 域,16位的 NAP 域和一个8位的UAP 域。 
13 BER Bit Error Rate 误比特率 
365 BHC Bose BCH Bose, Chaudhuri & Hocquenghem Type of code 搏斯-乔赫里-霍克文黑姆码 
163 Bluetooth Bluetooth 蓝牙 An open specification for wireless communication of data and voice. It is based on a low-cost short-range radio link facilitating protected ad hoc connections for stationary and mobile communication environments. Bluetooth clock The master timing mechanism defined by the master of the piconet. Bluetooth device A device that contains hardware and software allowing it to communicate with another Bluetooth device. 一个关于数据和语音无线通信的开放标准。它是低成本的,短距离无线连接方案,适用于静止的和移动通信环境。 
261 Bluetooth Clock Bluetooth Clock 蓝牙时钟 每一个蓝牙设备有一个内部系统时钟,用来决定收发器的时序和跳频。该时钟不会被调整或者关掉。该时钟可以作为一个28位计数器使用,其LSB位的计数周期是312.5us,即时钟频率为3.2kHz。 
164 Bluetooth device class Bluetooth device class 蓝牙设备分类 "A parameter that indicates the type of device and which types of services that are supported. The class is received during the discovery procedure. The parameter contains the major and minor device class fields. The term ""Bluetooth device class"" is used on the UI level. Bluetooth device name The name of the device. (248 bytes maximum)" 该参数用于指出设备类型,以及所支持的服务类型。在设备发现过程中,将接收到设备的类信息。 
165 Bluetooth device type Bluetooth device type 蓝牙设备类型 "The term ""Bluetooth device type"" is used on the UI level. This term overrides the terms ""Bluetooth device class"" and ""Bluetooth service type"" when there is a mix of information containing both Bluetooth Device Class and Bluetooth Service Types." 
166 Bluetooth passkey Bluetooth passkey "The name of the PIN. The term ""Bluetooth passkey"" is used in the UI. See PIN." 
167 Bluetooth service type Bluetooth service type 蓝牙服务类型 One or more services a device can provide to other devices. The service information is defined in the service class field of the Bluetooth device class parameter. Bluetooth Session The activity and participation of a device on a piconet. 一个蓝牙设备提供给另外设备一项或者一项以上的服务。服务信息在蓝牙设备分类参数的服务类别(service class)域中进行了定义。 
168 bond bond A link key that is exchanged between two devices. The key is used for future authentication between the devices. See also bonding. 
169 bonding bonding Bonding is the creation of a relationship between two devices. The bond is a link key The relationship is created when the link key is exchanged between two devices. The devices are known to each other prior to the bonding procedure. A user initiates the bonding procedure and enters a passkey with the explicit purpose of creating a bond between two devices. This differs from the authenticate using a passkey procedure where the user is requested to enter a passkey during the establishment of the link. 
170 Browser Browser 浏览器 An application that allows interaction with Internet web pages. 
14 BT Bandwidth Time 带宽时间 
15 BT  Bluetooth 蓝牙 "A parameter that indicates the type of device and which types of services that are supported. The class is received during the discovery procedure. The parameter contains the major and minor device class fields. The term ""Bluetooth device class"" is used on the UI level. Bluetooth device name The name of the device. (248 bytes maximum)" 
171 Bus Bus 总线 A set of data lines to transfer information from one device to another. 
172 business card business card 商务卡(电子版) The electronic date equivalent to a printed business card. This electronic version of the business card is treated like a file and can be exchanged between Bluetooth devices. See vCard. 等同于打印出的商务卡,可以看作一个文件,可以在蓝牙设备之间进行交换。 
16 "CAC


CAC" Channel Access Code 信道访问码 
17 CC Call Control 呼叫控制 
173 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access. 码分多址 CDMA is a digital cellular communications technology. Each call has a individual code to identify the call. Multiple calls can be grouped together on a single frequency. CDMA uses spread-spectrum techniques for handling radio communications. CDMA is an improvement on AMPS and TDMA cellular service. CDMA是项数字蜂窝通信技术,每个呼叫都有一个单一的代码作为标识。多个呼叫可以组合在在单一频率下,CDMA 使用了扩充带宽技术进行无线通信,CDMA是对AMPS和TDMA蜂窝技术的改进。 
174 CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data A method to more efficiently carry data on existing analog (AMPS) cellular radio systems. 
175 channel channel 信道 A logical connection on L2CAP level between two devices serving a single application or higher layer protocol. 两个设备在L2CAP 层所建立的逻辑连接,服务于单一的应用或者高层协议。 
265 Channel (hopping) sequence 信道跳频序列 这是个由79种频率组成的伪随机序列(对于23MHz system 系统来说,是23种),使用微微网中主设备的蓝牙设备地址(BD_ADDR),可以计算出这些频率。序列的的相位可以通过对主设备的时钟的预测计算出来。信道跳频序列周期很长,在短时间内不会出现重复。在短时间内,跳频均匀分布在79MHz的范围内。。参见Frequency sequence。 
176 Circuit Switched Circuit Switched 回路转换 The application of a network where a dedicated line is used to transmit information. Only one user may employ the resources of the line at a time. 网络的一个应用,采用专用线路来发送信息。同一时间,,只有一个用户可以使用该回路。 
177 Circuit Switched Bluetooth Circuit Switched Bluetooth 蓝牙回路转换 The application of a network where a dedicated line is used to transmit bluetooth data. 网络的一个应用,采用专用线路来发送蓝牙数据。 
178 Circuit Switched Cellular/Radio Circuit Switched Cellular/Radio The application of a network where a dedicated line is used to transmit cellular/radio data. 
18 CL Connectionless 无连接 
266 CLK 时钟 "
267 CLKE 时钟估计 "
268 CLKN 本地时钟 当前的蓝牙设备的时钟。 
180 CO Connection-oriented 面向连接 
363 COBS 一直开销字节填充法 
179 CoD class of device 设备分类 See Bluetooth device class. 参见Bluetooth device class,也缩写为CoD. 
19 CODEC Coder DECoder 编解码器 A device that converts analog to digital, and digital to analog for transmission over a digital communications system. 
20 COF Ciphering Offset 加密补偿 component An architecture element denoting an identifiable set of software that performs a well-defined purpose. 
181 connect to service connect to service The establishment of a connection to a service. If not already done, this includes establishment of a physical link, link and channel as well. 
182 connectable devices connectable devices 可连接设备 Any device within range that will respond to paging from an initiator device. 在允许范围内的蓝牙设备,可以响应寻呼信息,并且建立连接。 
183 connectable mode connectable mode A device that responds to paging (an attempt to establish a communication link) is said to be in connectable mode. The opposite of connectable mode is non-connectable mode. Connected device A device that is currently connected to the (LocDev. Connection A connection between two peer applications or higher layer protocols mapped onto a channel. Connectionless packet A packet of data is broadcast over the network without targeting a specific recipient to receive the packet. Connecting A phase in the communication between devices when a connection between them is being established. (Connecting phase follows after the link establishment phase is completed.) connectivity A domain of interconnected components that adhere to a defined set of connection rules. The set of rules is termed Connectivity Architecture. Connector An architectural element denoting a path for control or information flow between components. 
184 CP Call Processing 
185 CP  Capability Provider 能力提供者 "A Capability Provider is a module within the local device that provides a service to other modules. Protocol stack modules (RFCOMM, L2CAP) are Capability Providers. So are ""application interface modules"" such as OBEX and ESC-AT. In fact, any module that registers a port that other modules can connect to is a Capability Provider." 本地设备的一个模块可以提供服务给其他模块,协议栈模块(RFCOMM, L2CAP)就是个能力提供者。诸如OBEX 和ESC-AT中的应用接口模块(application interface modules)也是个能力提供者。事实上,任何模块只要注册了一个端口,只要以让其他模块连接上去,那么该模块就是个能力提供者。 
186 CPU Central Processor Unit The main processing component in a hardware device. 
21 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验 这是个添加到数据包中的16位码,用来判断payload数据传送得是否正确,带有CRC数据的payloads仅能由DM, DH 或者DV 包来携带。该CRC码由CRC-CCITT多项式生成,0x11021 (hex)。 
187 CTC Computer Test Commands 公用交换电话网,即普通的电话网 
188 CTP Cordless Telephone Profile 无绳电话应用 
22 CVSDM Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation 连续可变斜率增量调制 
23 DAC Device Access Code 设备访问码 用于寻呼状态、寻呼扫描和寻呼响应子状态,其代码来自于设备的蓝牙设备地址(BD_ADDR)。 
366 DC Bias Direct Current Bias 直流补偿 
24 DCE Data Communication Equipment 数据通信设备 
25 DCE  Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment 数据电路端连接设备 In serial communications, DCE refers to a device between the communication endpoints whose sole task is to facilitate the communications process; typically a modem 
26 DCI Default Check Initialization 缺省的检查初始值 在蓝牙技术中,DCI定义为0x00 (16进制)。 
269 DCID Destination Channel Identifier 目的信道标识 对于 L2CAP传送来说,是作为设备的本地终点使用的。它代表接收消息的设备的信道终点。它仅仅是个设备的本地名。参见SCID。 
190 DD API Device Driver API 
270 destination destination 目标蓝牙设备 用来接收另外一个蓝牙设备的动作。发送动作的设备称为源蓝牙设备(source)。目标蓝牙设备通常是已建立好的连接的一部分,但也有例外。(例如在inquiry / page 过程中)。 
191 Device Discovery Device Discovery 设备发现 The mechanism to request and receive the Bluetooth address, clock, class of device, used page scan mode, and names of devices. 设备发现。一种请求和接收蓝牙地址,时钟,设备类别等的机制。 
192 Device Layer Device Layer The group of protocols that handles the hardware in a Bluetooth device. The device layer handles components such as the display, keypad, and RF communications. 
193 device name device name 设备名称 See Bluetooth device name 参见Bluetooth device name。 
194 device security level device security level 设备安全级别 Access to a device can be denied based on the required device security level. There are two levles of device security: trusted device and untrusted device. See also service security level. 根据设定的安全级别,可以拒绝对某设备的访问。有两种级别的设备安全级别:可信任设备和不可信任设备。参见service security level。 
27 DH Data-High Rate Data 高速率数据 Data packet type for high rate data 用于异步链接(ACL link)的高速率数据的包类型。DH1包类似于DM1 包,只有一点不同:payload中的信息没有进行前向纠错编码(FEC)。这意味着DH1包可以在一个时隙中,携带多达28字节的信息。DH3包也与此类似,只有一点不同:它可以覆盖多达三个时隙,并且包含185 字节信息。同样, DH5包可以覆盖到五个时隙,并且包含多达341字节的信息。参见蓝牙packet types. 
28 DIAC Dedicated Inquiry Access Code 专用查询识别码 用于查询某个特定类型的设备。 
195 discoverable device discoverable device 可发现设备 A Bluetooth device in range that will respond to an inquiry (normally in addition to responding to page. Discoverable mode A device that can respond to an inquiry is said to be in a discoverable mode. There are two types of discoverable modes: limited discoverable mode and general discoverable mode. The opposite of discoverable mode is non-discoverable mode. See also silent device. Distpatch Walkie-talkie mode where one subscriber talks and other subscribers listen on the same talk group. 在规定范围内,可以响应查询信息的蓝牙设备。

196 DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier 数据链接连接标识 这是个6位标识,表示正在进行的客户和服务器之间的连接。用于RFCOMM 层。 
29 DM Data - Medium Rate Data 中等速率数据 Data packet type for medium rate data 用于异步链接(ACL link)上的中等速率数据的包类型。DM1包仅携带信息数据,包含了一个16位的CRC 码和18字节的信息。它们使用2/3 前向纠错编码(FEC),该包仅仅覆盖到一个时隙。DM3包与此类似,仅仅覆盖三个时隙,可携带多达123字节信息,DM5可以覆盖多达五个时隙,可以携带226字节信息。参见蓝牙packet types。 
197 DSP Digital Signal Processor 数传机就绪 一旦准备好接受数据,该设备就设置一个RS-232 DSR信号。 
198 DSR Data Set Ready A device sets an RS-232 DSR signal when it is ready to accept data. 
199 DT Data Terminal 数据终端 
30 DTE Data Terminal Equipment 数据终端设备 In serial communications, DTE refers to a device at the endpoint of the communications path; typically a computer or terminal. 
31 DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency 双音多频应用 dumb peripheral A peripheral that does not communicate any information to the handset. Typically, the only information the handset receives from a dumb peripheral is a signal that a connection has been made to a port on the handset. This signal is also called a cable detect. 
32 DUT Device Under Test 测试中设备 
200 DV Data Voice 数据语音 Data packet type for data and voice. 用于同步链接(SCO link)的传输数据和语音的包类型,该包划分为大小为80位的语音域和大小为150位的数据域。语音域没有采用前向纠错编码(FEC),但数据域采用了2/3前向纠错编码(FEC),语音和数据域完全分开处理。语音域的数据采用常规的同步链接(SCO)数据处理方式,不再进行重发,这意味着语音域的内容总是新的,数据域则要检查是否出错,如有必要,,就进行重发。参见蓝牙packet types。 
201 DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing See WDM 
202 EIA Electronics Industries Association 
203 ESMR Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio 
33 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准组织 
34 FCC Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会 
35 FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错码 前向纠错,对于payload数据,这种纠错编码目的是减少数据重发的次数。在蓝牙中,存在两种版本的前向纠错方法, 1/3 FEC和2/3 FEC。 1/3 FEC仅仅是使对每个信息位重复三次,而2/3 FEC则是个缩短的(15,10) 海明码。 
36 FH Frequency Hopping 跳频 
37 FHS Frequency Hop Synchronization 跳频同步 这是个特殊的控制包,其中包含了设备的BD_ADDR 以及源设备(source)的时钟(source)信息。它包含144个信息位和16位的CRC 码。Payload采用的是2/3前向纠错编码(FEC ),可以使得payload的总长度达到240位。FHS包覆盖单一的时隙。参见蓝牙packet types。 
38 FIFO First In First Out 先进先出 
271 Frequency Hopping (Selection) 跳频选择 "狝癙犄灹岹昱耯姽騟郘负飳ゑ嬂亚义?1礰仍名瘌趄飳庑劏7 , 5礠曍鐯守ù79 MHz range/79贠飳粑绻?匌姦 礵曍鐯守ù23 MHz range/2贳飳粑绻?丌名茌嘃直趄飳庑劏瘗厄刺丫仅埅丨颎玑莇嘃?79MHz / 23MH?丌句毊閵? 32 hops(79MHz system) / 16 hops(23MHz system〩 
跳频序列包括寻呼序列(page sequence)和寻呼响应序列(page response sequence),这些都用在寻呼过程中(page procedure)。在查询过程中(inquiry procedure)存在查询序列(inquiry sequence )和查询响应序列(inquiry response sequence)。最后,蓝牙系统中,主跳频序列是信道跳频序列(channel hopping sequence)。" 
39 FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控 type of modulation 一种调制方式 
367 FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议 
40 FW Firmware 固件 一般指硬件中程序 
204 GAP Generic Access Profile 通用访问应用 This profile describes the mechanism by which one device discovers and accesses another device when they do not share a common application. 该应用描述了一种设备发现和访问另外一种设备的机制,而此时,这两种设备不共享普通的应用程序。 
205 general discoverable mode general discoverable mode A device that can be discovered continuously or for no specific condition is said to be in general discoverable mode. See also discoverable mode. 
42 GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying 高斯频移键控 
43 GIAC General Inquiry Access Code 通用查询访问码 这个缺省的查询码用来发现规定范围内的所有设备。 
44 GM Group Management 组管理 
41 GOEP Generic Object Exchange Profile 通用对象交换应用 
206 GPRS Generalized Packet Radio Service 
207 GSM Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统 GSM is a digital cellular communications technology that is available in Europe and the US. GSM offers multiple services for the subscriber such as short message service. GSM是在欧洲和美国使用的数字蜂窝通信技术,GSM为其用户提供多种形式的服务,如短消息服务等。 
208 GSTN General Switched Telephone Network 
209 GUID Globally Unique Identifier 
210 GW Gateway 网关 A Bluetooth technology basestation which is connected to external network 具有蓝牙功能的能够连接到外部网络的基站。 
45 HA Host Application 试用蓝牙主机应用软件 SW using Bluetooth 
46 HCI Host Controller Interface 主控制器接口 在应用层(可选)为LMP 和Baseband层提供命令接口。 
211 HDLC High level Data Link Control 
212 headset headset 耳机或听筒 A microphone and earpiece used to conduct conversations. Headsets can be connected directly to a cellular device or remotely using Bluetooth communications technology. 一个话筒和耳机,用来进行交谈。耳机可以直接连接到蜂窝设备,或者远程使用蓝牙通信技术。 
47 HEC Header-Error-Check 头校验码 使用主设备(master device)的UAP,就会生成这个8位的字,但存在两个例外:一个是在FHS packets中使用主寻呼响应时,使用的是子设备的UAP,另外一个是,在发送查询响应时,使用的是DCI value。 
48 HID Human Interface Device 人机接口设备 
272 hold mode 保持模式 同步到微微网中的设备进入的一种节能模式,此时设备的活跃程度降低了。主单元可以把子单元的设备置为保持模式,此时,子单元仅仅只有其内部计时器在运行。子单元也可以请求进入保持模式,一旦子单元从保持模式转换出来,就立即恢复数据传输。对于三种节能模式(呼吸、保持和停止模式)来说,保持模式的节能效果居中(即具有中等程度的节能效果)。 
213 host host A software and hardware platform in which the Bluetooth package runs. 
214 HPC Handheld Personal Computer 
215 HS Headset 带在头上的耳机或听筒 
216 HSM Host-specific Mechanism 
368 HTTP  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议 
49 HV High quality Voice 高保真语音 e.g. HV1 packet 用于同步链路(SCO link)的语音包, HV1包携带10个字节的信息,采用的是1/3前向纠错编码(FEC)。HV2 包携带20个字节的信息,采用的是2/3前向纠错编码(FEC)。 HV3 包携带30字节的信息,没有采用前向纠错编码(FEC)。HV 包中没有CRC 或者payload头。参见蓝牙packet types。 
50 HW Hardware 
217 IAC Inquiry Access Code 查询访问码 在查询过程(inquiry procedures)中使用,可以是两种类型之一:对于特定的设备是专用查询码(Dedicated IAC)类型,对于所有的设备,是通用查询码(Generic IAC)类型。 
218 ICS Iridium Communication Systems 
274 ID packet ID packet ID包 一个用于寻呼、查询和响应过程的68位的数据包,主要由设备访问码(DAC)或者查询访问码(IAC)组成。参见蓝牙packet types。 
220 Idel mode Idel mode 空闲模式 A device is in idle mode when it has no established links to other devices. In this mode, the device may discover other devices. In general, a device sends inquiry codes (GIAC, LIAC) to other devices. Any device that allows inquiries will respond with information. If the devices decide to form a link, then (bonding will occur. 当设备没有同其他设备建立连接时,就处于空闲模式。在该模式下,设备可以发现其它设备。一般来说,设备发送查询码(GIAC, DIAC)给其他设备。任何允许查询的设备将响应该信息。之后,相关设备会决定建立连接。 
219 IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Network 
52 IEEE Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 电气和电子工程师协会 
53 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Internet工作任务组 
221 initiator initiator The Bluetooth device initiating an action to another Bluetooth device. The device receiving the action is called the acceptor. The initiator is typically part of an established link. 
277 Inquiry (hopping) response sequence Inquiry (hopping) response sequence 查询(跳跃)响应序列 查询响应序列覆盖了32 种响应频率(对于23MHz来说,有16种),这些频率都同当前的查询跳频序列一一对应。主设备和子设备使用不同的规则来获得同样的频率。参见Frequency sequence。 
276 Inquiry (hopping) sequence Inquiry (hopping) sequence 查询(跳跃)序列 这是个 32种频率序列 (对于23MHz系统有16种) ,在使用GIAC LAP或者DIAC LAP的时候,就会计算出该频率。序列的相位可以从内部单元时钟(native unit's clock)计算出来。在计算32种频率时,主中央频率和其他31 种频率之间的偏移量为+/- 16。每隔1.28秒就会计算出一个新的中央频率。要处理所有这32种频率,查询跳跃序列在2个查询系列中进行切换,每个系列有16种频率。参见Frequency sequence。 
222 Inquiry Procedure Inquiry Procedure 查询过程 The inquiry procedure enables a device to discover which devices are in range, and determine the addresses and clocks for the devices. After the inquiry procedure has completed, a connection can be established using the paging procedure. "该迢竇匋仯该让妾匇珑咰器直冄乶诖妾'希乶覆迣仙讛妾瘇垄地呀斌银?朂该迢竇霋褀亁一謪妾匇兕千郑朁该叢 (inquiry state) 
并且接受查询回复。接受查询包的目标设备 (destination),通常处于查询扫描状态(inquiry scan state),以便接受查询数据包。目标设备之后将进入查询响应状态(inquiry response state),并发送一个查询回复给源设备。一旦查询过程完毕之后,就会通过寻呼过程(paging procedure)建立一个连结。" 
275 Inquiry Response State Inquiry Response State 查询响应状态 当设备接收到一个查询包之后,可以用查询响应包进行响应(一种FHS包)。通过使用查询响应跳频序列( inquiry response hopping sequence)进行发送。 
224 Inquiry Scan State Inquiry Scan State 查询扫描状态 A mode that a RemDev enters when advertising that a service is available. 当设备想接受查询包时,就会进入查询扫描状态。扫描是根据查询跳频序列进行的。 
223 Inquiry State Inquiry State 查询状态 A mode that a LocDev enters when searching for services. 一旦设备想发现新的设备,就会进入查询状态,此时,该设备就向规定范围内的所有设备广播出其查询包(ID packet),包中包含了IAC。通过使用查询调频序列把包发送出去。在查询状态的设备也可以接受查询回复(FHS packets),但是,,该设备不会对这些包进行确认。 
225 intelligent peripheral intelligent peripheral A peripheral that is capable of exchanging information with the handset. Information may include battery status, charging status, data storage status, or other high-level functionality. Also referred to as a smart peripheral. 
226 Internet bridge Internet bridge Method of using a wireless modem for connecting to Internet access. 
54 IP Internet Protocol 
227 IPX Internetwork Packet eXchange Novell's protocol used by Netware. A router with IPX routing can interconnect LANs so that Novell Netware clients and servers can communicate. 
351 IrCOMM Ir Communications 红外通信 
55 IrDA Infra-red Data Association 红外数据联合会 A method for communication between electronic devices, using 880-nm infrared light. 
56 IrMC Ir Mobile Communications 红外移动通信 
352 IrOBEX Ir Object Exchange 红外对象交换协议 
228 IROM Internal Read-Only Memory 
57 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Networks 
58 ISM Industrial, Scientific, Medical 工业、科学、医疗 
369 ITT Implementation Under Test 在测试实现 
229 ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟 
59 IUT Implementation Under Tes 
230 IWF Interworking Function 
231 JATE Japan Approvals Institute for Telecommunications Equipment 
232 JTAPI Java Telephony Application Programming Interface 
233 Key Management The handling and control of encryption keys. 
234 known device known device 已知设备 A device for which at least the BD_ADDR is stored. 指至少存储了蓝牙设备地址的设备。 
60 L_CH Logical Channel 逻辑信道 
61 L2CA Logical Link Control and Adaption 逻辑链路控制和适配 Logical Link Control And Management part of the Bluetooth protocol stack 
62 L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol 逻辑信道控制和适配协议 该协议支持高层协议多路复用技术,包分割和重组装技术,以及传达服务信息的质量。 
235 LAN Local Area Network 局域网 
63 LAP Lower Address Part 低位地址段 蓝牙设备地址(BD_ADDR)的24位部分,参见NAP 和UAP。 
236 LAP  LAN Access Point 局域网接入点 
64 LC Link Controller 链路控制器 Link Controller (or baseband) part of the Bluetooth protocol stack Low level Baseband protocol handler 链接控制器管理对其他蓝牙设备的链接。它是个低层的基带协议管理者。 
278 LC Channel LC Channel control channel 链接控制信道 蓝牙系统中定义的5种逻辑信道(logical channels)之一。该信道映射到包的头中,用来控制低层的控制信息。除了不带包头的ID packet包之外,其余的每个包都携带LC信息。 
65 LCP Link Control Protocol 
370 LCSP Link Controller Service Signaling 链路控制器服务信令 
66 LCSS Link Controller Service Signalling 
67 LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register 线性反馈移位寄存器 在蓝牙中用来生成HEC和CRC。 
238 LIAC Limited Inquiry Access Code 有限查询访问码 See also limited discoverable mode. 
239 limited discoverable mode limited discoverable mode A device that responds to an inquiry for limited purposes. For example, a device may respond for a limited period of time, during temporary conditions, or for a specific event. Typically, the device is responding to a limited inquiry based on an inquiry using the LIAC. See also discoverable mode. 
237 link link Shorthand for an ACL link 
240 link key link key 链接关键字 The authentication key used to establish a link between devices. See also bonding. 用来建立两个设备之间的连接的鉴定关键字。参见bonding。 
68 LM Link Manager 链路管理 The Link Manager software entity carries out link setup, authentication, link configuration, and other protocols. 链路管理软件实体负责管理如下事务:建立链接,鉴定,链路配置,以及实现其他协议。 
279 LM Channel Link Manager control channel 链路管理控制信道 蓝牙系统中定义的5种逻辑信道(logical channels)之一,该信道传输的是在主设备和子设备之间链接管理器之间交换的控制信息。控制信息是通过SCO 或者ACL链接进行传输的。 
69 LMP Link Manager Protocol 链路管理协议 For LM peer to peer communication 用于链接设置和控制。LMP协议数据单元(PDU)信号是通过接收方的链路管理器(Link Manager)进行解释和过滤的,并不传送到高层。 
241 lmp-authentication lmp-authentication An LMP level procedure for verifying the identity of a remote device. The procedure is based on a challenge-response mechanism using a random number, a secret key and the BD_ADDR of the non-initiating device. The secret key used can be a previously exchanged link key or an initialization key created based on a PIN (as used when pairing). 这是链路管理协议(LMP)中的一个过程,用于验证远程设备的身份。该过程的实现基于一个挑战-响应机制,通过使用一个随机数,一个密钥,以及非发起设备的蓝牙设备地址(BD_ADDR)。所用的密钥可以先前已经交换过的link key 或者基于PIN 创建的初始密钥。(参见pairing) 
242 lmp-pairing lmp-pairing A LMP procedure that authenticates two devices based on a PIN and subsequently creates a common link key that can be used as a basis for a trusted relationship or a (single) secure connection. The procedure consists of the steps: creation of an initialization key (based on a random number and a PIN), lmp-authentication based on the initialisation key and creation of a common link key. "乜为一鐪跾篯璡匆譏? LMp載竇+匌仯棥挹nPI李鉥孴讚妾'刌帛仺一昪遮瘚钄揾冥镳嬮w link ke?)匌仯俥乜伺痡儨米盻垄磺?謂迥竇匋吅夫亂欋驥? 
1: 创建并且初始化关键字(基于随机数和PIN)
2: 基于初始化关键字,进行LMP-鉴定。
3: 创建普通的链接关键字。" 
243 LocDev Local Device 本地设备 A Bluetooth device which initiates a SDP procedure. A Local Device is typically a master device on the piconet. However, a Local Device may not always have a master connection relationship to other devices. See also RemDev. 
280 Logical Channel Logical Channel 逻辑信道 蓝牙系统中定义了5种逻辑信道,LC 和LM 控制信道,以及UA,UI和US 用户信道。在包头中传输的是LC信道传输,所有其他信道在包的payload中进行传输。详情参见individual sections。 
371 LOP Low Power Oscillator 低功率振荡器 
70 LSB Least Significant Bit 最低有效位 
71 M Master or Mandatory 必须的(用于帧格式) 
72 M_ADDR Medium Access Control Address 介质访问控制器 
73 MAC Medium Access Control 
244 MAC Address MAC Address 媒体访问控制地址 3-bit address to distinguish between units participating in the piconet. 占3位,用来区分微微网中的单元。在蓝牙中,就是活动成员地址(AM_ADDR)。 
281 MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网 
245 Management Entity Management Entity Management Entity. The portion of the BT implementation that mediates the internal functions of the BT stack. 
74 MAPI Messaging Application Procedure Interface 消息应用过程接口 
246 master device master device A device that initiates an action or requests a service on a piconet. See also LocDev. 
247 Master Net Master Net 主设备 The device in a piconet whose clock and hopping sequence are used to synchronize all other devices in the piconet. 在微微网中,发起一个动作或者请求的设备。在一个微微网中,主设备的时钟和跳频顺序被用来同步其它单元的设备。参见LocDev。 
248 ME Management Entity 管理实体 
249 MM Mobility Management 移动管理 
75 MMI Man Machine Interface 人机接口 
76 MS Mobile Station 移动站 移动设备的一个通用的称呼。(例如GSM 电话,蓝牙设备等等)。 
77 MS  Multiplexing sublayer 
78 MSB Most Significant Bit 最高有效位 
79 MSC Message Sequence Chart 信息序列表 
250 MSC  Modem Status Command 
282 MT Mobile Terminal 移动终端 同Mobile Station. 
80 MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 最大传输单元 
81 MUX Multiplexing Sublayer 层的复用子层 a sublayer of the L2CAP layer 是L2CAP layer的子层。 
251 MVP Minimum Viable Product 
252 N/A Not applicable 
82 NAK Negative Acknowledge 消极确认 
253 Name Discovery Name Discovery The mechanism to request and receive a device name 请求和接收设备名称的机制。 
83 NAP Non-significant Address Part 非重要地址段 蓝牙地址的16位部分。参见低位地址部分(LAP)和高位地址部分(UAP)。 
283 non-connectable device non-connectable device 不可连接设备 不能响应寻呼的设备,称为处于非连接模式。与之相反的设备称为可连接设备(connectable device)。 
284 non-discoverable device non-discoverable device 不可发现设备 不能响应查询的设备称为处于不可发现模式。在此模式下,设备不能进入查询响应状态(inquiry response state)。 
285 NULL packet NULL packet 空包 一个长度为126位的包,仅仅由信道访问码(CAC)和包头构成。用来返回链接信息给源设备(source)。空包不必被确认。参见蓝牙包类型(packet types)。 
84 O Optional 
85 OBEX Object Exchange protocol 对象交换协议 
86 OCF Opcode Command Field 操作码指令域 
362 OGF Opcode Group Field 操作码组域 
286 Packet Format Packet Format 包格式 每个包由三个实体构成,访问码(access code),包头(packet header)和payload。存在不同的包类型(packet types)。 
287 Packet Header Packet Header 包头 包含链接控制信息,并且由6个域组成:AM_ADDR :活动成员地址,TYPE :类型码, FLOW :流量控制,ARQN :确认指示,SEQN :序列号码和HEC :报头错误检查。包头的总长度为54位。 
288 Packet Switched Packet Switched 包交换(分组交换) 网络中的数据路由是基于包含在数据包中的地址进行的,这个网络就称为包交换网络。在该网络中,多个数据包可以共享同一网络资源。 
289 Packet type Packet type 包类型 蓝牙系统中的基带层中定义了13种不同的包类型。所有的更高一些的层使用这些包来构成高层协议数据单元(PDU)。这些包是:ID, NULL,POLL,FHS,DM1;在同步链路(SCO)和异步链路(ACL)中,都定义了上述这些包。DH1, AUX1, DM3, DH3, DM5, DH5 仅仅在异步链路(ACL)中作了定义。HV1, HV2, HV3 , DV 仅仅在同步链路(SCO)中作了定义。 
291 Page (hopping) response sequence Page (hopping) response sequence 寻呼(跳频)响应序列 覆盖了32个单一的响应序列(对于23MHz来说是16种),它们同寻呼跳频序列一一对应。主设备和子设备使用不同的规则,来获得同样的频率。参见Frequency sequence。 
290 Page (hopping) sequence Page (hopping) sequence 寻呼(跳频)序列 这是个有32种频率的序列(对于23MHz的系统有16种频率)。每种频率是通过被寻呼的单元的地址(BD_ADDR)计算出来的。(早在查询操作阶段,就可以获得这个数据)。该序列的相位是通过预测被寻呼的单元的时钟计算出来。尽管从理论上可以计算被寻呼的单元的跳跃频率,不可避免地会发生时钟偏移,32种频率序列就是用来解决这个问题的。通过使用计算出来的主中央频率以及31种频率,时钟偏移量为+/-16。每隔1.28秒,计算一次新的中心频率。为了能够处理所有这32种频率,寻呼(跳频)序列在每次在16个频率的两个寻呼周期内切换。参见Frequency sequence。 
292 Page (Master) Response State Page (Master) Response State 寻呼(主设备)响应状态 "丬欀?业攀滦讐妾指斥制儰杶刀匝凑盺宄哻浼悈癯嚄姞-尌伱輚凛譥狥悶、丂呋.尌伱匚郑 FHS packe却刅儰癶目讄妾〇适輚俇畿嬨哻?贈飳?帉劏朗孥抌匐郑崁俥ぜ 
第二步:一旦源设备接收到第二个回复(Page Slave Response State: Step2),它知道目的舍设备已经接收到源设备在第一步已经发送的FHS包,源设备现在成为目的设备(slave)的主设备(master)。" 
293 Page (Slave) Response State Page (Slave) Response State 寻呼(子设备)响应状态 "丬欀?业攀盦目讄妾' destinatio?按斥制朰腥滪讐妾瘇?DAC@尌伱輚凛譥狥悶!嬌岃匆郑丁一吪廍侔惡繯滙讐妾'逌輚俇畿吨?贈飳?帉劏嬗抌匐郑崁俥ぜ 
第二步:一旦目的设备接收到来自源设备的FHS packet 包,目的设备就会发送一个响应给源设备(一个包含目的设备DAC 的ID包)。
294 Page Scan State Page Scan State 寻呼扫描状态 在该模式下,设备监听包含自己的设备访问码(DAC)的寻呼列。一旦设备希望接受寻呼数据包时,就进入寻呼扫描模式,扫描将按照寻呼(跳频)序列(page hopping sequence)进行,如果设备接受了一个寻呼包,就会进入子设备响应状态slave response state) 
295 Page State Page State 寻呼状态 当一个设备搜索其他设备时所进入的状态。该设备使用寻呼(跳频)序列发送一个寻呼包(ID packet),用来通知其他设备,它打算了解其他设备及其服务。 
296 Paging Procedure Paging Procedure 寻呼过程 "欨轤竇下M匌胯俽帚竺介一嬪隞癅辄揞?嬌哻轼竇逋帚昸振焉杧该迢竇+ inquiry procedur?載裛癌や匂柪萉狝譙妾圇地` device addres?霉褀庁竺介一輪揞ゥ嬂仹斎银皟瞄该峆伆刚邠帟竺迋竇》市竺迋揞皥厄兕屃嬆玞宰哻轼竇+希乶脔勪抨丐輺揞皥亄謻妾〇嬂哻轼竇挋焉奧亂欋驥辤裛l 
1: 一个设备(源)寻呼另外一个设备(目的),此时处于寻呼状态。(Page state)
2: 目的设备接收到该寻呼,此时处于寻呼扫描状态。(Page Scan state)
3: 目的设备发送对源设备的回复,此时处于子设备响应状态。(Slave Response state) 

4: 源设备发送FHS包到目的设备,此时处于主设备响应状态。(Master Response state。)
5: 目的设备发送第二个回复给源设备,此时处于子设备响应状态(Slave Response state。)
6: 目的和源设备切换并采用源信道的参数,此时处于主设备响应状态和子设备响应状态。" 
297 pairable mode pairable mode 可配对模式 接受配对的设备称为在可配对模式。反之,称为非配对模式。 
298 pairing pairing 配对 两台设备之间创建和交换链接关键字(link key)。当交换信息时,这些设备使用链接关键字进行进一步的鉴定。 
299 park mode park mode 暂停模式 设备仍然同步到微微网中,但是不再参与数据传输。暂停设备放弃了其MAC (AM_ADDR)地址,时常监听主设备发出的重新同步信息,以及广播消息。节能效果最大,即在三种节能模式下(sniff,hold 和park)暂停模式消耗的能量最小。 
300 payload format payload format payload格式 一般来说,每个包的payload有且仅有两种可能的域之一,数据域(ACL)或者语音域(SCO)。但存在一个例外:DV 包可以带有两个域,其语音域具有固定长度的域,不带payload头,其数据域由三段构成:一个payload头,payload 体和CRC 码。 
87 PCM Pulse Coded Modulation 脉冲编码调制 
88 PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association 个人计算机存储卡国际联合会 
372 PDA  Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理 
89 PDU Protocol Data Unit 协议数据单元 a message 
301 Physical link Physical link 物理链接 两台设备通过寻呼在基带层建立连接,一个物理链接在物理信道上占据了一系列的发送时隙,主设备和子设备发送时隙之间的信道不断交替变化着。 
302 Piconet Piconet 微微网 是由采用蓝牙技术的设备以特定方式组成的网络。微微网的建立是由两台设备(如便携式电脑和蜂窝电话)的连接开始,最多由8台设备构成。所有的蓝牙设备都是对等的,以同样的方式工作。然而,当一个微微网建立时,只有一台为主设备,其他均为从设备,而且在一个微微网存在期间将一直维持这一状况。所有设备都具有主设备参数(clock和BD_ADDR)定义的同样的物理信道。 
373 PIM Personal Information Management 个人信息管理 
90 PIN Personal Identification Number 个人识别码 蓝牙中的PIN用来鉴定以前没有交换过链接关键字(link key)的两个设备。通过交换PIN,设备之间就创建了相互信任的关系。在配对(pairing)过程中使用的PIN用来生成初始链接,以便进一步的鉴定。 
303 PIN(BB) PIN (BaseBand) 在基带层使用的PIN 用于计算配对(pairing)过程中的初始关键字(128 位)。 
304 PIN(UI) PIN (User Interface) 在用户接口层使用的PIN 
91 PM_ADDR Parked Member Address 休眠的单元地址 这是个8位的成员地址,用于区别处于暂停模式的子设备。分。只有在该子设备处于暂停状态时,该PM_ADDR 才合法。 
92 PN Pseudo-random Noise 伪随机噪声 
93 PnP Plug and Play 即插即用 
306 POLL packet POLL packet POLL包 类似于NULL packet,区别仅仅在于:它需要来自目的设备的确认。一旦收到POLL包,子设备必须发回一个包进行响应。参见蓝牙packet types 。 
94 POTS Plain Old Telephone system 简易老式电话系统 
95 PPM Part Per Million 百万分之一 
96 PPP Point-to-Point Protocol 点到点协议 
97 PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence 伪随机比特序列 
98 PRNG Pseudo Random Noise Generation 伪随机噪声生成 
307 Profile Profile 规范 对一种设备或者一项应用的操作的描述。 
99 PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用交换电话网 

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