偷得浮生半桶水(半日闲), 好记性不如抄下来(烂笔头). 信息爆炸的时代, 学习是一项持续的工作.
2012-03-19 17:06:58
board.c: start_armboot()
1.lcd frame buffer的保留机理:
# ifndef PAGE_SIZE
# define PAGE_SIZE 4096
# endif
* reserve memory for LCD display (always full pages)
/* bss_end is defined in the board-specific linker script */
addr = (_bss_end + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
size = lcd_setmem (addr);
gd->fb_base = addr;
#endif /* CONFIG_LCD */
1)==> CONFIG_LCD in include/configs/smdk6410.h
==> PAGE_SIZE same as above
.globl _bss_start
.word __bss_start
.globl _bss_end
.word _end
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_start = .;
.bss : { *(.bss) }
_end = .;
4)common/lcd.c: lcd_setmem()
入口参数:addr = (_bss_end + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1); see above
* This is called early in the system initialization to grab memory
* for the LCD controller.
* Returns new address for monitor, after reserving LCD buffer memory
* Note that this is running from ROM, so no write access to global data.
ulong lcd_setmem (ulong addr)
ulong size;
int line_length = (panel_info.vl_col * NBITS (panel_info.vl_bpix)) / 8;
debug ("LCD panel info: %d x %d, %d bit/pix/n",
panel_info.vl_col, panel_info.vl_row, NBITS (panel_info.vl_bpix) );
size = line_length * panel_info.vl_row;
/* Round up to nearest full page */
size = (size + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
/* Allocate pages for the frame buffer. */
addr -= size;
debug ("Reserving %ldk for LCD Framebuffer at: %08lx/n", size>>10, addr);
return (addr);
vidinfo_t panel_info;
#if defined CONFIG_MPC823
* LCD controller stucture for MPC823 CPU
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 640) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 480) */
ushort vl_width; /* Width of display area in millimeters */
ushort vl_height; /* Height of display area in millimeters */
/* LCD configuration register */
u_char vl_clkp; /* Clock polarity */
u_char vl_oep; /* Output Enable polarity */
u_char vl_hsp; /* Horizontal Sync polarity */
u_char vl_vsp; /* Vertical Sync polarity */
u_char vl_dp; /* Data polarity */
u_char vl_bpix; /* Bits per pixel, 0 = 1, 1 = 2, 2 = 4, 3 = 8 */
u_char vl_lbw; /* LCD Bus width, 0 = 4, 1 = 8 */
u_char vl_splt; /* Split display, 0 = single-scan, 1 = dual-scan */
u_char vl_clor; /* Color, 0 = mono, 1 = color */
u_char vl_tft; /* 0 = passive, 1 = TFT */
/* Horizontal control register. Timing from data sheet */
ushort vl_wbl; /* Wait between lines */
/* Vertical control register */
u_char vl_vpw; /* Vertical sync pulse width */
u_char vl_lcdac; /* LCD AC timing */
u_char vl_wbf; /* Wait between frames */
} vidinfo_t;
extern vidinfo_t panel_info;
#elif defined CONFIG_PXA250
* PXA LCD info
struct pxafb_info {
/* Misc registers */
u_long reg_lccr3;
u_long reg_lccr2;
u_long reg_lccr1;
u_long reg_lccr0;
u_long fdadr0;
u_long fdadr1;
/* DMA descriptors */
struct pxafb_dma_descriptor * dmadesc_fblow;
struct pxafb_dma_descriptor * dmadesc_fbhigh;
struct pxafb_dma_descriptor * dmadesc_palette;
u_long screen; /* physical address of frame buffer */
u_long palette; /* physical address of palette memory */
u_int palette_size;
* LCD controller stucture for PXA CPU
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 640) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 480) */
ushort vl_width; /* Width of display area in millimeters */
ushort vl_height; /* Height of display area in millimeters */
/* LCD configuration register */
u_char vl_clkp; /* Clock polarity */
u_char vl_oep; /* Output Enable polarity */
u_char vl_hsp; /* Horizontal Sync polarity */
u_char vl_vsp; /* Vertical Sync polarity */
u_char vl_dp; /* Data polarity */
u_char vl_bpix; /* Bits per pixel, 0 = 1, 1 = 2, 2 = 4, 3 = 8, 4 = 16 */
u_char vl_lbw; /* LCD Bus width, 0 = 4, 1 = 8 */
u_char vl_splt; /* Split display, 0 = single-scan, 1 = dual-scan */
u_char vl_clor; /* Color, 0 = mono, 1 = color */
u_char vl_tft; /* 0 = passive, 1 = TFT */
/* Horizontal control register. Timing from data sheet */
ushort vl_hpw; /* Horz sync pulse width */
u_char vl_blw; /* Wait before of line */
u_char vl_elw; /* Wait end of line */
/* Vertical control register. */
u_char vl_vpw; /* Vertical sync pulse width */
u_char vl_bfw; /* Wait before of frame */
u_char vl_efw; /* Wait end of frame */
/* PXA LCD controller params */
struct pxafb_info pxa;
} vidinfo_t;
extern vidinfo_t panel_info;
#elif defined(CONFIG_MCC200)
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 160) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 100) */
u_char vl_bpix; /* Bits per pixel, 0 = 1 */
} vidinfo_t;
#endif /* CONFIG_MPC823, CONFIG_PXA250 or CONFIG_MCC200 */
【1】U-boot开机logo的制作方法(Tekkaman Ninja):http://blog.chinaunix.net/u1/34474/showart_2085233.html
【2】U-Boot中的Splash Screen(Charlie Chen):http://blog.chinaunix.net/u1/51797/showart.php?id=2070554
【3】UBOOT LCD驱动流程(牛蹄印章):http://blog.chinaunix.net/u3/90973/showart_2303809.html
所 有的开机logo都放在了 /tools/logos 之下,所以,把你需要显示的logo图片(bmp格式)也放置到该目录下。根据你所设置的显示帧缓存的大小,图片大小有所限制。使用这种方法还有一个限制 是:图片只能是8bpp的bmp图(参考uboot源码)。Tekkman文章中所说的“所替换的logo必须和原来的大小、格式一模一样,否则会出现u-boot使用过程中宕机重启的后果”,我自己亲测中并未遇到,当然,我也并没有做足够的测试,只是这并不需要和原图的大小一模一样。
把 denx.bmp 替换为你需要显示的logo图片的文件名,保存退出,重新编译uboot。
在制作图片前,请您现确认您的Linux主机上安装了Netpbm 工具包。如果是ubuntu,你可以直接用新立得安装;如果是别的发行版,可以在 下载源代码编译。然后用以下的脚本处理一下就好了:
使用方法: (脚本名) ( 待处理的JPG图片名) (输出文件名)