偷得浮生半桶水(半日闲), 好记性不如抄下来(烂笔头). 信息爆炸的时代, 学习是一项持续的工作.
2010-07-18 11:30:58
The property exposes the objects internal to TWebBrowser. For full details of the objects accessible see .
Everything that is accessible via the property is also accessible via the Document property. In general obtaining data via the Document property route is more cumbersome, because it involves using other classes/interfaces, but it does offer better error checking.
The purpose of this page is not to provide comprehensive documentation on , but to describe those members that I have found useful in the past. For most of these I have aimed to provide the corresponding Document access method. Code fragments are included for illustration only.
Significant or interesting object attributes:
Provides information on the document display. For details see workshop/ author/ dhtml/ reference/ objects/ obj_document.asp.
Document equivalent:
WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2
WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2
) will be nil
. To avoid a run-time exception check the value before using it, for example:var document: IHTMLDocument2; begin document := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(document) then . .
Array of all the items/objects in the document. This includes images, links, text etc.
.Length Returns the number of elements in the array. .Item(0) Returns the first document element. .Item(n).InnerText Read/write the text between the start and end tags of the item. .Item(n).ScrollIntoView(bAlignToTop: Boolean) Scrolls item 'n' into view. bAlignToTop = true to align it with the top of the window. bAlignToTop = false to align with the bottom of the window.
Document equivalent (including retrieving the first item):
var document: IHTMLDocument2; docAll: IHTMLElementCollection; firstElement: IHTMLElement; begin document := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(document) then begin docAll := document.all; firstElement := docAll.Item(0,'');
Sets or retrieves the background colour for the document. For example to set the background colour to white:
WebBrowse.OleObject.Document.bgColor := '#FFFFFF';
or to set it to black:
WebBrowse.OleObject.Document.bgColor := '#000000';
Read/write string value specifying whether horizontal scroll bar is shown. Values are:
visible Default. No scroll bar. Display is clipped to visible area. scroll Scroll bar always visible - whether required or not. hidden No scroll bar. Content outside of visible area is hidden. auto Content is clipped and scroll bar is displayed if required.
As for WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.overflowX but for the vertical scroll bar.
Sets or retrieves the magnification used. Default is 1, for no magnification. To show at half its normal size use 0.5. To show at twice its normal size use 2.
Returns a string holding all browser cookies - these are the cookies stored locally and not server side cookies.
Document equivalent:
var document: IHTMLDocument2; cookies: String; begin document := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(document) then cookies := document.cookie;
Cookies are represented in the string in the form:
name = value
For HTML documents returns the document including its HTML.
Returns the text content of the document - without any (HTML) formatting.
Returns the size of the html document in bytes.
Document equivalent:
(WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2).FileSize
Returns the collection of forms on the page.
.Length Returns the number of forms in the document. .Item(0) Returns the first form.
Document equivalent:
var htmlDoc: IHTMLDocument2; allForms: IHTMLElementCollection; firstForm: IHTMLFormElement; begin htmlDoc := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; allForms := htmlDoc.Forms; firstForm := allForms.Item(0,'') as IHTMLFormElement;
See also:
Array of frames in the document.
.Length Returns the number of frames in the document. .Item(0) Returns the first frame. .Item(0).Document Returns the document object representing the frame. .Item(0).Document.URL Returns the URL of the first frame.
Document equivalent:
(WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2).Frames
for example, to obtain information about a frame as (an IHTMLWindow2
or IHTMLDocument2
var document: IHTMLDocument2; ole_index: OleVariant; doc_all: IHTMLElementCollection; frame_dispatch: IDispatch; frame_win: IHTMLWindow2; frame_doc: IHTMLDocument2; begin document := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; ole_index := 0; frame_dispatch := document.Frames.Item(ole_index); if frame_dispatch <> nil then begin frame_win := frame_dispatch as IHTMLWindow2; frame_doc := frame_win.document; . .
Array of images contained in the document.
.Length Returns the number of images in the document. .Item(0) Returns the first image. .Item(0).Src Read or write the path to the first image.
Returns when the document was last modified, as a string. Officially the format is "MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss
", but in my experience it is normally "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
" - so the format may well be specific to the local locale settings.
Document equivalent:
var htmlDoc: IHTMLDocument2; dateString: String; begin htmlDoc := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(htmlDoc) dateString := html_doc.LastModified;
Array of all links (i.e. "" elements).
.Length Returns the number of links. .Item(0) Returns the first link. .Item(0).href Returns the address of the first link. .Item(0).TagName Returns the name of the type of the first link. For links this is always 'A'.
Document equivalent:
var htmlDoc: IHTMLDocument2; allLinks: IHTMLElementCollection; firstLink: IHTMLElement; url: String; begin htmlDoc := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2; allLinks := htmlDoc.Links; firstLink := allLinks.Item(0,'') as IHTMLElement; url := firstLink.toString;
Returns a string representing the 'protocol' portion of the URL. This will (typically) be one of:
Protocol Value Meaning file: Local or network file. ftp: FTP. gopher: Gopher session. http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol https: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol. javascript: JavaScript code. mailto: Client e-mail. news: Newsgroup. res: Resource file. telnet: Telnet terminal login.
Returns a (read-only) reference to the container window.
Scrolls the window horizontally by 'iX' pixels - a negative value scrolls left, a positive value scrolls right. Scrolls the window vertically by 'iY' pixels - a negative value scrolls up and a positive value scrolls down.
Document equivalent:
document: IHTMLDocument2;
document := webBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
if Assigned(document) then
procedure ScrollBrowserWindowBy(const window: IHTMLWindow2; iX:Integer; iY:Integer);
index: Integer;
oleIndex: OleVariant;
frameDispatch: IDispatch;
childWindow: IHTMLWindow2;
document: IHTMLDocument2;
if Assigned(window) then
// If there are any frames then try scrolling them.
document := window.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
if Assigned(document) then
for index := 1 to document.Frames.Length do
oleIndex := index-1;
frameDispatch := document.Frames.Item(oleIndex);
if Assigned(frameDispatch) then
childWindow := frameDispatch as IHTMLWindow2;
on E: Exception do begin end;
end;and to invoke it:
document: IHTMLDocument2;
document := webBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
if Assigned(document) then
' for a window frame containing an off-site page then it will throw an "access denied" exception, hence the "try .. except
" in the above example.Provides access to the currently selected portion of the document.
For example, to access the currently selected text:
document: IHTMLDocument2;
selectionObj: IHTMLSelectionObject;
selectionRange: IHtmlTxtRange;
selectedText: String;
document := WebBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
selectionObj := document.selection;
selectionRange := selectionObj.CreateRange as IHtmlTxtRange;
selectedText := selectionRange.text;
Note: The above example would need to be modified slightly for a document with frames.
The title of the current document. It will be empty if the HTML in the document does not specify a title.
The URL of the current document. This is the same as the property .
See also:
These notes are believed to be correct for Delphi 6 and Delphi 7 with Internet Explorer 6, and may apply to other versions as well.