偷得浮生半桶水(半日闲), 好记性不如抄下来(烂笔头). 信息爆炸的时代, 学习是一项持续的工作.
2010-04-08 20:05:29
在 source code 中會有個檔案 apns-conf_sdk.xml ,這是記錄 apn 設定值的檔案,image burned 之後,就會被放到 /system/etc ,在 runtime 的時候,會依照這裡的值,建立出 telephony.db。
若要更新 apns-conf.xml 時,需先把 telephony.db 刪除且重新開機,資料才會重新建立起來。
telephony.db -> /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony.databses/telephony.db
apns-conf.xml -> development/data/etc
Hi, all I have found that my APN list is empty. I want to add one. First, the file frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/apns.xml is empty, so i modify it, add my apn content. apns.xml When the system bootup, i think it will loadapn from the file apns- conf.xml, in TelephonyProvider.java. The bad news is that nothing happened! any idea? |
Change Android emulator’s skin November 6, 2008 at 5:20 am | In android | Leave a Comment Tags: emulator, skin Link to and select the skin you like. Download the .zip and unpack it to android sdk skin folder. e.g. C:\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r1\tools\lib\images\skins. start the emulator with parameter ‘-skin’. e.g. emulator -skin HVGA-P-G1. HVGA-P-G1 is unpacked folder name. |