偷得浮生半桶水(半日闲), 好记性不如抄下来(烂笔头). 信息爆炸的时代, 学习是一项持续的工作.
2010-04-02 15:07:31
use: sendevent
command format: sendevent
device type code value
[command] [device] [type] [code] [value]
sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 229 1
/dev/input/event0 is the device to send it to
[type] 1 is unknow for me ( maybe code for physical button on device )
[code] 229 is the MENU button of the emulator
[value] 1 is keydown or press down ( for keyup or up use 0 )
i wrote a batch file for sending the event to the device like below:
adb -s emulator-5554 shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 229 1
adb -s emulator-5554 shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 229 0
have to use the follow command to simulate a pressing of button ( aka pressing down then let go )
Key Name CODE
MENU 229
HOME 102
BACK (back button) 158
CALL (call button) 231
END (end call button) 107
now keyboard shown on the emulator
Key Name CODE
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
0 11
q 16
w 17
e 18
r 19
t 20
y 21
u 22
i 23
o 24
p 25
a 30
s 31
d 32
f 33
g 34