Env: ubuntu 9.04 + eclipse 3.4.2
1. get eclipse 3.4.2
2. config eclispe to include the cupcake code tree
a) cd $CUPCAKE && make
b) cp development/ide/eclipse/.classpath . && chmod u+w .classpath # Make the copy writable
modify .classpath to delete all nonexisting path and files
c) modify $ECLIPSE_INSTALL_PATH/eclipse.ini [-Xms128m -Xmx512m]
d) start eclipse: [File > New > Java Project] --> [Create project from existing source], select $CUPCAKE
3. setup android sdk
a) cd $CUPCAKE && make sdk; then get zip file: android-sdk_eng.iibull_linux-x86.zip
b) cd $CUPCAKE/prebuild/toolchain/; unzip android-sdk_eng.iibull_linux-x86.zip
c) vi ~/.bashrc; export PATH= $CUPCAKE/prebuild/toolchain/android-sdk_eng.iibull_linux-x86/tools:$PATH
4. install plugin adt []
a) eclipse &; [Help --> Software Updates --> Available Software], add URL: http[s]://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ --> [install ...] --> finish
b) restart eclipse, update your Eclipse preferences , and make a reference to your sdk folder:
[Window > Preferences] --> select Android --> locate SDK tab and [Browse] -> Apply
5. make hello world apk for android []
a) File > New > Project --> android project
b) fill package name and activity name
c) finish
d) modify main.xml and string.xml and your java code
e) run it in emulator
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