In my project, I need to call erlang functions inside python to fulfil some concurrent computing tasks.
module implement the erlang nodes protocol and use python twisted network engine. Now, it is possible to call erlang nodes in python scripts.
Twotp模块实现了erlang节点协议和python Twisted 网络引擎的使用。现在,可以在python脚本中调用erlang节点。
I also found an example . Unfortunately, there are errors in the python sources codes when you make remote procedure call from twotp.NodeClientFactory. I followed the examples with the twotp source codes, and make the rpc from twotp.Process. This works.
Step 1: Setup erlang nodes.
- %% Demo erlang program.
- %% Return hello message.
- -module(demo).
- -export([hello/1, ping/0, start/0]).
- %% Hello function, return hello message.
- hello(Name) ->
- Message = "Hello, " ++ Name,
- io:format(Message ++ "~n", []),
- Message.
- %% ping loop, return the ping count.
- ping_loop(N) ->
- receive
- {get_id, From} ->
- From ! {pong, N},
- ping_loop(N+1)
- end.
- %% ping function.
- ping() ->
- pingsrv ! {get_id, self()},
- receive
- {pong, N} -> ok
- end,
- {pong, N}.
- %% start the server.
- start() ->
- Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> ping_loop(1) end),
- register(pingsrv, Pid).
Run the erlang program on “test” node.
- $ erl -sname test@localhost
- (test@localhost)1> demo:start().
- true
Step 2: Make rpc call in python.
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # BSD License
- # Copyright (c) 2011, Wang Qiang
- # All rights reserved.
- """
- Main python program.
- I will call erlang function here.
- """
- import sys
- import twotp
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- def error(e):
- """
- errback for twisted defered.
- """
- print 'Error:'
- print e
- reactor.stop()
- def do_pingpong(process, remote):
- """
- rpc for demo:ping.
- """
- def handle_pong(result):
- """
- callback for handling the demo:ping result.
- """
- text, id_ = result[0].text, result[1]
- print "Got ping result: %s %d" % (text, id_)
- reactor.callLater(1, do_pingpong, process, remote)
- # Make rpc with two.Process.callRemote.
- # call demo:ping() in remote node.
- d = process.callRemote(remote, 'demo', 'ping')
- d.addCallback(handle_pong)
- d.addErrback(error)
- def call_hello(process, remote, name):
- """
- rpc for demo:hello.
- """
- def handle_hello(result):
- """
- callback for handling the demo:hello result.
- """
- print "Got hello results", result
- text = ''.join(chr(c) for c in result).decode('latin1')
- print 'String form:', text
- do_pingpong(process, remote)
- # Make rpc with two.Process.callRemote.
- # call demo:hello() with name arg in remote node.
- d = process.callRemote(remote, 'demo', 'hello', name)
- d.addCallback(handle_hello)
- d.addErrback(error)
- def main():
- # get the erlang node name
- remote = sys.argv[1]
- # additional args.
- name = sys.argv[2]
- # get the erlang node cookie and setup the twotp.Process.
- cookie = twotp.readCookie()
- this_node = twotp.buildNodeName('demo_client')
- process = twotp.Process(this_node, cookie)
- # start twisted reactor.
- reactor.callWhenRunning(call_hello, process, remote, name)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
Run python script and make it works.
- $ python 'test' WangQiang
- Got hello results [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 97, 110, 103, 81, 105, 97, 110, 103]
- String form: Hello, WangQiang
- Got ping result: pong 2
- Got ping result: pong 3
- Got ping result: pong 4
- Got ping result: pong 5
- Got ping result: pong 6
- Got ping result: pong 7
- Got ping result: pong 8
- Got ping result: pong 9
- Got ping result: pong 10
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