lukeiamyourfather在上面共享了他的Multithreaded Mesh Proces脚本,这个脚本是用来实现realflow的多线程输出mesh,虽然realflow的nogui模式有"-threads"这个参数,但你会发现即使你指定了"n"个线程,也是没什么不同的,不管是版4还是版本5,lukeiamyourfather的这个脚本很好的解决了这个问题,他把真正的多线程引入到了realflow的mesh输出。
但是他这个脚本是基于python 3.x来写的,你必须使用python 3.x,不然会出错,因为他用到的一些模块在3.x版本里改名了,如果需要用2.6来运行必须将名称改回来。
- """
- #####################################
- ## ##
- ## multiprocessingMesh v0.1 ##
- ## Author: Mack Stone ##
- ## Date: 2011/01/22 ##
- ## Email: ##
- ## blog: ##
- ## ##
- #####################################
- """
- import multiprocessing
- import time
- import subprocess
- import sys, os
- # realflow install path
- # realflow安装路径,你可能要改它
- realflowRootPath = r'C:\Program Files\Next Limit\RealFlow 5'
- # print time info
- # 输出时间信息
- timeInfo = lambda *args: str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())))
- # Dump subprocess output to /dev/null to keep the terminal window output clean
- # 为了让命令行窗口显得干净点
- outPut = open('NUL')
- # multiprocess class
- # 我要输出我想要的信息,所以重写Process
- class MeshProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
- def __init__(self, func, args, name=''):
- super(MeshProcess, self).__init__()
- = name
- self.func = func
- self.args = args
- def run(self):
- print '>%s -->' % timeInfo(), 'Starting',
- self.res = self.func(*self.args)
- print '>>%s -->' % timeInfo(),, 'exited'
- # start realflow to process mesh
- # 使用realflow进行mesh
- def processMesh(q, scene, thread):
- while not q.empty():
- startFrame, endFrame = q.get()
- print '>%s -->' % timeInfo(), 'Thread %d starting meshing frame %d - %d' % (thread, startFrame, endFrame)
- subprocess.Popen('realflow.exe -nogui -threads 1 -mesh -range %s %s "%s"' % (startFrame, endFrame, scene),
- stdout=outPut, stderr=outPut, shell=True, cwd=realflowRootPath).wait()
- print '>%s -->' % timeInfo(), 'Thread %d finished meshing frame %d - %d' % (thread, startFrame, endFrame)
- def main(args):
- helpText = r"""#####################################
- ## ##
- ## multiprocessingMesh v0.1 ##
- ## Author: Mack Stone ##
- ## Date: 2011/01/22 ##
- ## Email: ##
- ## blog: ##
- ## ##
- #####################################
- usage: C:\Python26\python.exe startFrame endFrame threadCount sceneFile
- Example: C:\Python26\python.exe 0 100 8 C:\test\test.flw
- """
- # if argv not right print out help
- # 输出帮助信息
- if len(args) < 4 or not os.path.isfile(args[3]):
- print helpText
- return 0
- startFrame = int(args[0])
- endFrame = int(args[1])
- threads = int(args[2])
- sceneFile = r'%s' % args[3]
- # Populate frameList for each threads
- # 计算帧列表
- frameList = []
- incr = (endFrame + 1) / (threads * 2) + 1
- startList = [i for i in range(startFrame, endFrame+1, incr)]
- endList = [i-1 for i in range(startFrame, endFrame+1, incr)]
- endList.append(endFrame)
- endList.pop(0)
- frameList = zip(startList, endList)
- process = []
- q = multiprocessing.Queue() # 创建列队
- print '>%s -->' % timeInfo(), "Begin meshing process..."
- print '>>...'
- # create threads
- # 创建线程
- for i in range(threads):
- x = i + 1
- p = MeshProcess(processMesh, (q, sceneFile, x),
- "Thread %d" % x)
- process.append(p)
- # start threads
- # 线程开始
- for i in range(threads):
- process[i].start()
- # Fill the queue
- # 将帧列表放到列队中排队
- for f in frameList:
- q.put(f)
- # end threads
- # 线程任务完成,结束线程
- for i in range(threads):
- process[i].join()
- print '>>>...'
- print '>>%s -->' % timeInfo(), "End of meshing process"
- # exit
- # 退出
- sys.exit()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv[1:])
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