import sys
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
def print_example():
print(Fore.RED+ "1. This is the first sentence")
long_str=' Blowing in the wind'
print(Fore.WHITE + '2. long_str =', end='')
#print('2. long_str= ', end='')
print( long_str,file=sys.stderr)
print(Fore.CYAN + "3. Do they printed in right order")
1. This is the first sentence
Blowing in the wind
2. long_str =3. Do they printed in right order
为什么stderr和stdout会打印到一起呢? 我的猜想也许跟stdout, stderr的缓冲机制有关
后来发现python 3.3 后print可以加flush参数, 这样就能得到我想要的打印次序
import sys
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
def print_example():
print(Fore.RED+ "1. This is the first sentence")
long_str=' Blowing in the wind'
print(Fore.WHITE + '2. long_str =', end='',flush=True)
#print('2. long_str= ', end='')
print( long_str,file=sys.stderr)
print(Fore.CYAN + "3. Do they printed in right order")
1. This is the first sentence
2. long_str = Blowing in the wind
3. Do they printed in right order
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