Linuxer, ex IBMer. GNU
发布时间:2017-10-10 19:37:53
Download managers are gui applications that allow users to manage multiple downloads in a single place, and do things like schedule, pause, resume, control download speed etc. And also download a file in multiple parts to maximise the download speed.On linux the traditional method to download f.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-06-09 10:28:21
转贴自: you install new software in the terminal environment, you may often see informative dialog boxes popping up, accepting your input. The type of dialog boxes ranges from simple yes/no dialog to input box, password.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-05-17 12:04:21
以前都用ntpdate 来同步时间,最近忽然发现还有个htpdate 命令. 例如以前我用这个命令.点击(此处)折叠或打开ntpdate time.nist.govntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com看看htpdate的命令行.点击(此处)折叠或打开dpkg-query -s htpdate.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2016-07-20 10:10:35
我习惯于在shell里面init 0了,不过今天碰到这个怪事,init 0以后,电脑屏幕显示,a stop job is running for session [sessionid] of user,倒计时过了1分30秒电脑才关机。搜索了半天都说是systemd 的bug. 各种解决方案我也来罗列一下:1. ubuntu/debian 最简单点击(此处)折叠或打开.........【阅读全文】
fireboyz20052010-11-10 18:27
HI, 看到你""