Linuxer, ex IBMer. GNU
发布时间:2017-09-29 13:58:29
#WPA cracking method with WPS enabledin WPA each packet is encrypted with a unique temporary key this means the number of data packets that we collect is irrelevant.WPA2 and WPA are similar, the only difference is that WPA2 use an algorithm called CCMP.WPS FeatureWPS is a feaure that allows use.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-09-27 14:57:18
#Crack WEP , WEP因为是明文传递的IV,所以是不安全的协议,我用RTL8812AU sniff了半天,没有发现有一个WEP的。足见现在学习WEP 破解也是屠龙之术,我也没有将我自己的路由器调成WEP模式来尝试破解,所以屠龙就屠龙吧。it use RC4 each packet is encrypted at the AP and then decrypted at the client,WEP insures th.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-09-25 19:09:41
#打开无线网卡电源iwconfig wlan0 txpower on#列出区域内的无线网络SSIDiwlist wlan0 scan#链接到某个网络iwconfig wlan0 essid "YOURESSID" key "YOURPASSWORD"#查看各种参数iwconfig wlan0 #关闭或者启动网卡iwconfig wlan0 up/down #DHCP 获取dhclient wlan0#ubuntu/kali 无线网卡网卡配置静态IP地址#----.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-09-24 16:29:31
这次kali linux 安装Realtek 8812AU的网卡驱动,装的我心惊肉跳. kali 2017 的release开始支持 RTL8812AU网卡,具体请看这里:我也贪图便宜从网上淘了块别人DIY的网卡。 拿到网卡,直接插上USB就开始升级。apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install re.........【阅读全文】
fireboyz20052010-11-10 18:27
HI, 看到你""