Linuxer, ex IBMer. GNU
发布时间:2017-10-17 14:27:02
推荐一个在线学习sql的网站,附上我自己做的答案:LESSION 1:SELECT title FROM Movies;SELECT director FROM Movies;SELECT TITLE , director FROM Movies;SELECT TITLE , YEar FROM Movies;SELECT * FROM MOVIES;LESSION 2:SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id=6;SELECT * FROM MOVIES WHER.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-10-15 08:26:22
从2017年10月14号晚上开始,急速迅雷开始大规模的报下载 “任务出错”,不知道迅雷在做什么事情。听说迅雷给出的官方解释是版权问题?于是我换了一个下载工具,把迅雷的任务全部删了,换成用FDM 重新下载这些电影。 FDM的官方网站在这里:【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-10-10 19:37:53
Download managers are gui applications that allow users to manage multiple downloads in a single place, and do things like schedule, pause, resume, control download speed etc. And also download a file in multiple parts to maximise the download speed.On linux the traditional method to download f.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-10-09 14:30:13
1. /etc/resolv.conf 文件记录了Linux下的DNS服务器, 但是这个文件在重启networking 或者计算机重启后会丢失.2. 要解决这个问题可以安装 resolvconf这个软件.点击(此处)折叠或打开apt-cache search resolvconfapt-get install resolvconf3. 添加配置文件.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-09-29 13:58:29
#WPA cracking method with WPS enabledin WPA each packet is encrypted with a unique temporary key this means the number of data packets that we collect is irrelevant.WPA2 and WPA are similar, the only difference is that WPA2 use an algorithm called CCMP.WPS FeatureWPS is a feaure that allows use.........【阅读全文】
fireboyz20052010-11-10 18:27
HI, 看到你""