Linuxer, ex IBMer. GNU
发布时间:2018-05-31 15:12:35
conditional probability and Bayes' Theorem 这两个理论看的我头晕。1. conditional probabilityif I have two events that depend on each other, what's the probability that both will occur.Notation: P(A,B) is the probability of A and B both occuring independent of each other.P(B|A): probability of.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-05-23 10:49:53
今天是covariance and correlation. 1. they give us a means of measuring just how tight these things are correlated, covariance: Measures how two variables vary in tandem from their means.correlation: -1 negative(inverse) correlation,one value increases, the other decreases. vice versa. 0 no corre.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-05-15 14:27:42
今天是percentiles 和moments. 1. percentiles: in a data set, what's the point at which x% of the values are less than that value.例如90% percentile就是大于90%,50% percentile就是median. IQR: interquartile rangewhen we talk about a distribution,IQR is the area in the middle of the distribution tha.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-05-10 14:52:25
上次因为cpu的发热问题, 我把cpu的硅胶给重新换了下。想试试什么时候能再引发这个温度过热,cpu自动降频的问题. 点击(此处)折叠或打开dmesg | grep cpu[22115.380360] CPU0: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 1)[22115.380362] CP.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-05-05 16:58:53
今天得到的教训,好久没有升级kali了,想升级下 点击(此处)折叠或打开apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get upgrade然后可以看到登录页面,输入root 口令后直接就卡死。 思考一下这个问题,可以看到登录界面,但是输入root口令后假死,应该.........【阅读全文】
fireboyz20052010-11-10 18:27
HI, 看到你""