调解人 调停
The major participants of the Mediator pattern are:
Mediator: Defines an interface for communicating with Colleague objects.
ConcreteMediator: implements cooperative behavior by coordinating Colleague objects,
it also knows and maintains its colleagues.
Colleague Classes: Each Colleague class knows its Mediator objects, Each colleague communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another colleague.
Mediator Pattern in JDK:
java.util.Timer class schedule XXX() methods.
java Concurrency Executor execute() method.
java.lang.reflect.Method invoke() method.
package mediatorpattern;
/* Colleagure A wants to talk, and Colleague B to fight with mediator.
* when they do some action(i.e., doSomething()),
* they invoke mediator to do that.
interface IMediator {
public void talk();
public void fight();
public void registerA(ColleagueA a);
public void registerB(ColleagueB b);
class MyConcreteMediator implements IMediator{
ColleagueA talk;
ColleagueB fight;
public void talk(){
System.out.println("Mediator is talking");
//let the talk colleague do some stuff
public void fight(){
System.out.println("Mediator is fighting");
//let the fight colleague do some stuff
public void registerA(ColleagueA a){
this.talk = a;
public void registerB(ColleagueB b){
this.fight = b;
abstract class Colleague{
IMediator mediator;
public abstract void doSomething();
class ColleagueA extends Colleague{
public ColleagueA(IMediator mediator){
this.mediator = mediator;
public void doSomething(){
class ColleagueB extends Colleague{
public ColleagueB(IMediator mediator){
this.mediator = mediator;
public void doSomething(){
public class MediatorPatternDemo{
public static void main(String[] args){
IMediator mediator = new MyConcreteMediator();
ColleagueA talkColleague = new ColleagueA(mediator);
ColleagueB fightColleague = new ColleagueB(mediator);
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