把不同的接口通过中间的adapter 连接在一起,概念很简单,看玩具代码很简单。
Example in JDK:
java.util.Array #asList()
java.io.InputStreamReader(InputStream)(returns a Reader)
java.io.OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream)(returns a Writer)
package adapterpattern;
class Apple{
public void getAppleColor(String color){
System.out.println("Apple color is :"+color);
class Orange{
public void getOrangeColor(String color){
System.out.println("Orange color is :"+color);
class AppleAdapter extends Apple{
//The purpose of the sample problme is to adapt an orange
// as an apple
private Orange orange;
public AppleAdapter(Orange orange){
this.orange = orange;
public void getColor(String color){
public class AdapterPatternDemo {
public static void main(String[] args){
Apple apple1 = new Apple();
Orange orange = new Orange();
AppleAdapter adapter = new AppleAdapter(orange);
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