sosreport: 是个收集配置和诊断信息的命令,并且会在/var/tmp 下生成xz 文件。
sosreport -l
#不输入用户名,user information is obtained from the system RHN configuration files
sosreport --batch
sosreport -n kvm,amd
sosreport --tmp-dir /path/to/dir
具体的man了一下,发现命令的options 真多:
我发现-k 其实是config plugin option用的
-l, --list-plugins
List all available plugins and their options. Plug-ins that would not be enabled by the current configuration are listed separately.
-n, --skip-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME]
Disable the specified plugin(s). Multiple plug-ins may be specified by repeating the option or as a comma-separated list.
-e, --enable-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME]
Enable the specified plugin(s). Multiple plug-ins may be specified by repeating the option or as a comma-separated list.
-o, --only-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME]
Enable the specified plugin(s) only (all other plugins should be disabled). Multiple plugins may be specified by repeating the
option or as a comma-separated list.
Specify plug-in options. The option PLUGOPT is enabled, or set to the specified value in the plug-in PLUGNAME.
-a, --alloptions
Set all boolean options to True for all enabled plug-ins.
-v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. May be specified multiple times to enable additional debugging messages.
-q, --quiet
Only log fatal errors to stderr.
Disable HTML/XML report writing.
--config-file CONFIG
Specify alternate configuration file.
-s, --sysroot SYSROOT
Specify an alternate root file system path. Useful for collecting reports from containers and images.
-c, --chroot {auto|always|never}
Set the chroot mode. When --sysroot is used commands default to executing with SYSROOT as the root directory (unless disabled by a
specific plugin). This can be overriden by setting --chroot to "always" (alwyas chroot) or "never" (always run in the host names‐
--tmp-dir DIRECTORY
Specify alternate temporary directory to copy data as well as the compressed report.
Display a list of available profiles and the plugins that they enable.
-p, --profile NAME
Only run plugins that correspond to the given profile. Multple profiles may be specified as a comma-separated list; the set of plug‐
ins executed is the union of each of the profile
另外,还有个工具叫sos-analyzer,是analyze sosreport 生成的包的。
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