重看Data structure and algorithms in python,仍然感觉数据结构真心难。
从tree->binary tree-> linked binary tree->euler tour,看的想吐
p.element( ): Return the element stored at position p.
The tree ADT then supports the following accessor methods, allowing a user to
navigate the various positions of a tree:
T.root( ): Return the position of the root of tree T,
or None if T is empty.
T.is root(p): Return True if position p is the root of Tree T.
T.parent(p): Return the position of the parent of position p,
or None if p is the root of T.
T.num children(p): Return the number of children of position p.
T.children(p): Generate an iteration of the children of position p.
T.is leaf(p): Return True if position p does not have any children.
len(T): Return the number of positions (and hence elements) that
are contained in tree T.
T.is empty( ): Return True if tree T does not contain any positions.
T.positions( ): Generate an iteration of all positions of tree T.
iter(T): Generate an iteration of all elements stored within tree T.
class Tree:
#Abstract base class representing a tree structure
class Position:
#return the element stored at this position
def element(self):
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def __eq__(self,other):
#return true if other position represents the same location
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def __net__(self,other):
return not(self ==other)
#abstract methods that concrete subclass must support
def root(self):
#return position representing the tree's root(or None if empty)
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def parent(self,p):
#Return the number of children that Position p has.
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def num_children(self,p):
#return the number of children that position p has
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def children(self,p):
#Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def __len__(self):
#return the total number of elements in the tree
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
#concrete method implemented in this class
def is_root(self,p):
#return True if position p represents the root of the tree
return self.root()==p
def is_leaf(self,p):
return self.num_children(p)==0
def is_empty(self):
#return true if three is empty
return len(self)==0
def depth(self,p):
#return the number of levels separating Position p from the root
if self.is_root(p):
return 0
return 1+self.depth(self.parent(p))
def _height1(self,p): #works ,but n**2 worst-case time
#return the height of the tree
return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() is self.is_leaf(p))
def _height2(self,p):
#return the height of the subtree rooted at position p
if self.is_leaf(p):
return 0
return 1+max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))
def height(self,p=None):
#return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p
#if p is None,return the height of the entire tree
if p is None:
return self._height2(p)
def __iter__(self):
#generate an interation of the tree's elements
for p in self.positions(): #use same order as positions()
yield p.element() #but yield each element
def preorder(self):
#generate a preorder iterationm of positions in the tree
if not self.is_empty():
for p in self._subtree_preorder(self.root()): #start recursion
yield p
def _subtree_preorder(self,p):
#generate a preorder iteration of position in subtree rooted at p
yield p #visit p before its subtrees
for c in self.children(p): #for each child c
for other in self._subtree_preorder(c): #do preorder of c's subtree
yield other #yielding each to our caller
def positions(self):
#generate an iteration of the tree's positions
return self.preorder() #return entire preorder iteration
def postorder(self):
#generate a postorder iteration of positions in the tree
if not self.is_empty():
for p in self._subtree_postorder(self.root()): #start recursion
yield p
def _subtree_postorder(self,p):
#generate a postorder iteration of positions in subtree rooted at p
for c in self.children(p): #for each child c
for other in self._subtree_postorder(c): #do postorder of c's subtree
yield other #yield each to our caller
yield p #visit p after its subtrees
def breadfirst(self):
#generate a breadth-first iteration of the positions of the tree
if not self.is_empty():
fringe=LinkedQueue() #known positions not yet yielded
fringe.enqueue(self.root()) #starting with the root
while not fringe.is_empty():
p=fringe.dequeue() #remove from front of the queue
yield p
for c in self.children(p):
fringe.enqueue(c) #add children to back of queue
"""Binary Tree
T.left(p): Return the position that represents the left child of p,
or None if p has no left child.
T.right(p): Return the position that represents the right child of p,
or None if p has no right child.
T.sibling(p): Return the position that represents the sibling of p,
or None if p has no sibling.
class BinaryTree(Tree):
#Abstract base class representing a binary tree
def left(self,p):
#return a Position representing p's left child
#return None if p does not have
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
def right(self,p):
#return a Position representing p's right child
#return None if p does not have
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
#concrete methods implemented
def sibling(self,p):
#return a Position representing p's sibling
#or None if no sibling
if parent is None: #p must be root
return None #root has no sibling
if p==self.left(parent):
return self.right(parent) #possibly None
return self.left(parent) #possibly None
def children(self,p):
#Generate an iteration of Position representing p's children
if self.left(p) is not None:
yield self.left(p)
if self.right(p) is not None:
yield self.right(p)
def inorder(self):
#generate an inorder iteration of positions in the tree
if not self.is_empty():
for p in self._subtree_inorder(self.root()):
yield p
def _subtree_inorder(self,p):
#generate an inorder iteration of positions in subtree rooted at p
if self.left(p) is not None: #if left child exists, traverse its subtree
for other in self._subtree_inorder(self.left(p)):
yield other
yield p #visit p between its subtree
if self.right(p) is not None: #if right child exists,traverse its subtree
for other in self._subtree_inorder(self.right(p)):
yield other
#override inherited version to make inorder the default
def positions(self):
#generate an iteration of the tree's positions
return self.inorder() #make inorder the default
T.add root(e): Create a root for an empty tree, storing e as the element,
and return the position of that root; an error occurs if the
tree is not empty.
T.add left(p, e): Create a new node storing element e, link the node as the
left child of position p, and return the resulting position;
an error occurs if p already has a left child.
T.add right(p, e): Create a new node storing element e, link the node as the
right child of position p, and return the resulting position;
an error occurs if p already has a right child.
T.replace(p, e): Replace the element stored at position p with element e,
and return the previously stored element.
T.delete(p): Remove the node at position p, replacing it with its child,
if any, and return the element that had been stored at p;
an error occurs if p has two children.
T.attach(p, T1, T2): Attach the internal structure of trees T1 and T2, respec-
tively, as the left and right subtrees of leaf position p of
T, and reset T1 and T2 to empty trees; an error condition
occurs if p is not a leaf.
class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
#LInked representation of a binary tree structure
class _Node:
def __init__(self,element,parent=None,left=None,right=None):
class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
#An abstraction representing the location of single element
def __init__(self,container,node):
#constructor should not be invoked by user
def element(self):
#return the element stored at this position
return self._node._element
def __eq__(self,other):
#return true if other is position representing the same location
return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node
def _validate(self,p):
#return associated node,if position is valid
if not isinstance(p,self.Position):
raise TypeError('p must be proper Position type')
if p._container is not self:
raise ValueError('p does not belong to this container')
if p._node._parent is p._node: #convention for deprecated nodes
raise ValueError('p is no longer valid')
return p._node
def _make_position(self,node):
#return Position instance for given node(or None if no node)
return self.Position(self,node) if node is not None else None
def __init__(self):
#create an initially empty binary tree
#public accessors
def __len__(self):
return self._size
def root(self):
#return the root position of the ree(or None if tree is mepty)
return self._make_position(self._root)
def parent(self,p):
#return the position of p's parent (or None if p is root)
return self._make_position(node._parent)
def left(self,p):
#return the position of p's left child(or NOne if no left child)
return self._make_position(node._left)
def right(self,p):
#return the position p's right child (or None if no right child)
return self._make_position(node._right)
def num_children(self,p):
#return the number of children of position p
if node._left is not None:
if node._right is not None:
return count
def _add_root(self,e):
#place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new position
#Raise ValueError if tree nonempty
if self._root is not None: raise ValueError('Root exists')
return self._make_position(self._root)
def _add_left(self,p,e):
#create a new left child for Position p,storing element e
#return the position of new node
#Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child
if node._left is not None: raise ValueError('left child exists')
return self._make_position(node._left)
def _add_right(self,p,e):
#create a new right child for position,p storing element e
#return the position of new node
#Raise ValueError if position P is invalide or p already has a right child
if node._right is not None: raise ValueError('Right child exists')
return self._make_position(node._right)
def _replace(self,p,e):
#replace the element at position p with e,and return old element
return old
def _delete(self,p):
#Delete the node at position p,and replace it with it's child
#return the element stored at position p
#raise ValueError if position p is invalid or p has two children
if self.num_child(p)==2: raise ValueError('p has two children')
child=node._left if node._left else node._right #might be none
if child is not None:
if node is self._root:
if node is parent._left:
return node._element
def _attach(self,p,t1,t2):
#attach tree t1 and t2 as left and right subtress of external p
if not self.is_leaf(p): raise ValueError('Position must be leaf')
if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2): #all 3 trees must be same type
raise TypeError('Tree types must match')
if not t1.is_empty(): #attached t1 as left subtree
t1._root=None #set t1 instance to empty
if not t2.is_empty():
t2._root=None #set t2 instance to empty
class EulerTour:
#abstract base class for performing Euler tour of a tree
#_hook_previsit and _hook_postvisit may be overridden by subclasses
def __init__(self,tree):
#prepare an Euler tour template for given tree
def tree(self):
#return reference to the tree being traversed
return self._tree
def execute(self):
#perform the tour and return any result from post viist of root
if len(self._tree)>0:
return self._tour(self._tree.root(),0,[]) #start the recursion
def _tour(self,p,d,path):
#perform tour of subtree rooted at Position p
#p Position of current node being visited
#d depth of p in the tree
#path list of indices of children on path from root to p
self._hook_previsit(p,d,path) #"pre visit" p
path.append(0) #add new index to end of path before recursion
for c in self._tree.children(p):
results.append(self._tour(c,d+1,path)) #result on child's subtree
path[-1]+=1 #increment index
path.pop() #remove extraneous index
return answer
def _hook_previsit(self,p,d,path):
def _hook_postvisit(self,p,d,path,results):
下面是用binary tree来做表达式的解析:
class ExpressionTree(LinkedBinaryTree):
#An arithmetic expression tree
def __init__(self,token,left=None,right=None):
#create an expression tree
super().__init__() #LinkedBinaryTree initialization
if not isinstance(token,str):
raise TypeError("Token must be a string")
self._add_root(token) #use inherited,non public method
if left is not None: #presumably three-parameter form
if token not in "+-*x/":
raise ValueError("token must be valid operator")
self._attach(self.root(),left,right) #use inherited,nonpublic method
def __str__(self):
#return string representation of the expression
pieces=[] #sequence of piecewise strings to compose
return "".join(pieces)
def _parenthesize_recur(self,p,result):
#append piecewise representation of p subtree to resulting list
if self.is_leaf(p):
result.append(str(p.element())) #leaf value as a string
result.append("(") #opening parenthesis
self._parenthesize_recur(self.left(p),result) #left subtree
result.append(p.element()) #operator
self._parenthesize_recur(self.right(p),result) #right subtree
result.append(")") #closing parenthesis
def evaluate(self):
#return the numeric result of the expression
return self._evaluate_recur(self.root())
def _evaluate_recur(self,p):
#return the numeric result of subtree rooted at p
if self.is_leaf(p):
return float(p.element()) #we assume element is numeric
if op=="+": return left_val + right_val
elif op=="-": return left_val - right_val
elif op=="/": return left_val / right_val
return left_val * right_val
def build_expression_tree(tokens):
#return an expression Tree based upon by a tokenized expression
S=[] #use list as stack
for t in tokens:
if t in "+-*x/": #t is an operator symbol
S.append(t) #push the operator symbol
elif t not in "()": #consider t to be a literal
S.append(ExpressionTree(t)) #push trivial tree storing value
elif t==")": #compose a new tree from three constituent parts
right=S.pop() #right subtree as per LIFO
op=S.pop() #operator symbol
left=S.pop() #left subtree
S.append(ExpressionTree(op,left,right)) #repush tree
return S.pop()
def test_buil_exp_tree():
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