在Nmap 还没有出现的日子里,用Hping 实现idel scan 那么麻烦,到了Nmap 这里一行命令就搞定了。nmap -PN -sI zombie target #Idle scan
我最常用的倒是最简单的, -sP ping only scan,找一个网段内哪些IP还能用,然后登记几个到我名下用。
Agreesive Scan -A
Don’t Ping -PN #scanning hosts that are protected by a firewall that blocks ping probes
Perform a Ping Only Scan -sP
UDP Ping -PU
SCTP INIT Ping -PY #SCTP is typically used on systems for IP based telephony
ICMP Echo Ping -PE
ICMP Timestamp Ping -PP
ICMP Address Mask Ping -PM
IP Protocol Ping -PO #with no protocols are specified,1 (ICMP), 2 (IGMP), and 4 (IP-in-IP) are used.
ARP Ping -PR
Traceroute --traceroute
Force Reverse DNS Resolution -R
Disable Reverse DNS Resolution -n
Alternative DNS Lookup --system-dns
Manually Specify DNS Server(s) --dns-servers
Create a Host List -sL
TCP SYN Scan -sS #default scan
TCP Connect Scan -sT
UDP Scan -sU
nmap –sU –data-length=value target
TCP NULL Scan -sN #Does not set any bits (TCP flag header is 0).
TCP FIN Scan -sF #Sets just the TCP FIN bit.
Xmas Scan -sX #Sets the FIN, PSH, and URG flags, lighting the packet up like a Christmas tree.
TCP ACK Scan -sA #ACK scan probe packet has only the ACK flag set (unless you use –scanflags).
nmap -sA --scanflags=3 #
TCP Windows Scan -sW #
TCP Maimon Scan -sM #
Custom TCP Scan --scanflags
IP Protocol Scan -sO
Send Raw Ethernet Packets --send-eth
Send IP Packets --send-ip
Operating System Detection -O
Attempt to Guess an Unknown OS --osscan-guess
Service Version Detection -sV
Perform a RPC Scan --version-trace
Troubleshooting Version Scans -sR
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