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2014-11-11 16:44:23

  没有预先准备的即席视译与同声传译中,译员无论如何都必须何时切入原语开始翻译?翻译进行中与原语保 持多大时差?如何调节语速?一般的说法是一旦可以翻译成一个子句或相对独立的一个短语(如说明时间、地点、目的、条件等状语)时 即可切人原语进行翻译,翻译进行过程中译语与原语尽量保持半句 到一句的距离,不同的译者可以根据自己的经验和讲话人的具体情 况灵活掌握。但在实践屮,语言现象千变万化,就汉英两种语言来 说,其结构形式大相径庭,常常需要重新理解和随机应变地处理,句 子的划分可能因时、因地、因人而异。究竟什么时候保持多少距离? 不頻的距离对翻译本身或所使用的技巧有什么影响?这仍然很值得 探讨。让我们通过具体的译例来看看可能出现的情况。

  饱经沧桑的20世纪仅剩下几个春秋,人类即将跨入充满希望的 21世纪。在这临近世纪之交的时刻,各国领导人从四面八方来到这 里,纪念当代具有普遍性、权威性的政府间国际组织——联合国成立 50周年,是很有意义的。我们可以利用这个机会,站在更高的立足 点上,回顾过去,展望未来,共同探讨如何实现联合国所肩负的崇高 使命。 译文1

  The 20th century is full of changes. It has only a few years to go. Mankind will soon enter the promising 21st century. It is at this turn of centuries,that the government leaders from all parts of the world are gathered here for this commemoration. In our time, the widely representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization is the United Nations. And it is now its 50th anniversary. The commemoration is therefore all the more significant. We can use this occasion to stand on a higher plane in both retrospection and prospection, and to discuss how to fulfill the great missions of the United Nations.


  In a few years time, mankind will bid farewell to the 20th century, a century full of vicissitudes, and enter the 21st century, a century full of promises. At this turn of centuries, it is of great significance that we are gathered here from all comers of the world to commemorate the 50lh anniversary of the United Nations—the widely representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization of our age. We can use this opportunity to take a look at the past and the future from a higher plane and share our views on how to turn the lofty missions of the United Nations into reality.

  显然,从同声传译的角度分析来看,第一种时差很小,第二种虽然也 尽量紧跟,但时差还是有所增加,而第三种则时差增加更加明显,与 第一种相去甚远,在整体上使人感到并非无事先准备的即席同声显然,从同声传译的角度来看,第一种时差很小,第二种虽然也 尽量紧跟,但时差还是有所增加,而第三种则时差增加更加明显,与 第一种相去甚远,在整体上使人感到并非无事先准备的即席同声传译。

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