分类: C/C++
2013-09-29 13:25:01
原文地址:记几个编译相关的问题 作者:zyd_cu
某程序A使用了其它目录的某个头文件some_class.h中的类SomeClass,在SomeClass里增加了几个成员函数,在程序A中调用SomeClass调用新增加的成员函数,编译器一直提示“SomeClass没有这个成员函数”。对A进行预处理(gcc -E),从预处理结果发现,A使用了当前目录下的some_class.h的副本(NND,怎么来的?);本地删除掉some_class.h,问题解决。
#ifndef SOME_CLASS_H_ #define SOME_CLASS_H_ class SomeClass { // some member functions // many other lines public: int a; int b; }; #endif #ifndef SOME_CLASS_H_ #define SOME_CLASS_H_ class SomeClass { // some member functions // many other lines public: int a; int b; }; #endif
某程序调用库A时,程序coredump,gdb调试时,backtrace只能打印出一个函数调用链,没有调用时函数的参数值以及具体行号等,而且因为调用链并不完整,使得根本定位不到coredump的原因;编写另一个程序,调用库B,库A和库B构建时使用的编译链接参数完全相同(-g 加其它的选项),在程序里模拟coredump,backtrace能得到详细的调用堆栈信息;最后通过将A库的编译参数从-g改为-g3,问题解决。但从gcc的man手册里看到,-g3只是在宏扩展的调试有帮助;为什么A在使用-g时,堆栈信息不全,仍不得知,求达人解惑。
Request debugging information and also use level to specify how much information. The default level is 2. Level 0 produces no debug information at all. Thus, -g0 negates -g. Level 1 produces minimal information, enough for making backtraces in parts of the program that you don't plan to debug. This includes descriptions of functions and external variables, but no information about local variables and no line numbers. Level 3 includes extra information, such as all the macro definitions present in the program. Some debuggers support macro expansion when you use -g3.