import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ReverseTest
public void testNormalSentence()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( "Hello Peter Sunny Leaf" ).reverse(), "Leaf Sunny Peter Hello" );
public void testEmptySentence()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( "" ).reverse(), "" );
public void testSpaceSentence()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( " " ).reverse(), " " );
public void testMultipleSpaceSentence()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( " 123 345 " ).reverse(), " 345 123 " );
public void testSentenceWithSpacePrefix()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( " 123 456" ).reverse(), "456 123 " );
public void testSentenceWithSpaceSuffix()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( "123 456 " ).reverse(), " 456 123" );
public void testSentenceWithSpaceDoubleEnded()
assertEquals( new ConcurrentReverse( " 123 , 456 " ).reverse(), " 456 , 123 " );
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class ConcurrentReverse
private final static char SEPERATOR = ' ';
private StringBuilder sentence;
private ForkJoinPool exetutor;
ConcurrentReverse( String sentence )
this.sentence = new StringBuilder( sentence );
this.exetutor = new ForkJoinPool();
class ReverseTask extends RecursiveAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int from;
private int to;
ReverseTask( int from, int to )
this.from = from; = to;
protected void compute()
reverse_word( from, to );
* Algorithm => reverse the whole String and then each word
* @return the reversed string
* @throws InterruptedException
public String reverse()
// Reverse the whole string first, the internal string will be replace with the inverse one
// Reverse each word separated by the SEPERATOR
for ( int j = 0, i = 0; j <= sentence.length(); j++ )
if ( j == sentence.length() || SEPERATOR == sentence.charAt( j ) )
if ( j != i )
exetutor.submit( new ReverseTask( i, j - 1 ) );
i = j + 1;
// Wait all tasks to finish word level inversion
exetutor.awaitTermination( 1, TimeUnit.DAYS );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
return sentence.toString();
private void reverse_word( int from, int to )
for ( ; from < to; from++, to-- )
swap( from, to );
private void swap( int a, int b )
char a_value = sentence.charAt( a );
char b_value = sentence.charAt( b );
sentence.setCharAt( a, b_value );
sentence.setCharAt( b, a_value );
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