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分类: 网络与安全
2013-11-20 08:12:57
原文地址:设备开启ssh方式登陆 作者:ylky_2000
[Huawei]rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]:1024
Generating keys...
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
domain default_admin
local-user ssh password cipher %$%$U}"a.Msd&&nGejLf;PW*/wO:%$%$
local-user ssh privilege level 3
local-user ssh service-type ssh
local-user admin password cipher %$%$K8m.Nt84DZ}e#<0`8bmE3Uw}%$%$
local-user admin service-type http
stelnet server enable
user-interface con 0
authentication-mode password
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa
protocol inbound ssh
user-interface vty 16 20