- #include "Servo.h"
- #include "Arduino.h"
- #include "SoftwareSerial.h"
- #define MAX_BUF_LEN 60 //max input/output buffer length
- #define SERVO1_DPIN 8 //1st servo pin
- #define SERVO2_DPIN 9 //2nd servo pin
- #define TP 6 //Trig_pin
- #define EP 7 //Echo_pin
- Servo servo1,servo2;
- char scan_mode1, scan_mode2;
- int inc1, inc2;
- int dir1, dir2;
- void setup(){
- pinMode(TP,OUTPUT); // set TP output for trigger
- pinMode(EP,INPUT); // set EP input for echo
- servo1.attach(SERVO1_DPIN);
- servo2.attach(SERVO2_DPIN);
- servo1.write(90);
- servo2.write(110);
- Serial.begin(38400); // init serial 9600
- scan_mode1='0';
- scan_mode1='0';
- dir1=1;
- dir2=1;
- inc1=0;
- inc2=0;
- }
- void loop(){
- int i,n;
- char buf[MAX_BUF_LEN] = {0};
- int degree1, degree2;
- int inc;
- if(Serial.available()){
- i=0;
- do{
- buf[i++] = Serial.read();
- delay(2);
- }while(Serial.available() && i<MAX_BUF_LEN);
- n=i;
- for(i=0;i<n;i+=4){
- degree1=servo1.read();
- degree2=servo2.read();
- // get the degree increment from serial input
- inc=buf[i+2]-'0';
- inc=10*inc+buf[i+3]-'0';
- // get the inc sign: positve or negative
- if(buf[i+1]=='-')inc=-inc;
- if(buf[i]=='x'){
- servo1.write(degree1+inc);
- scan_mode1='0';
- }else if(buf[i]=='y'){
- servo2.write(degree2+inc);
- scan_mode2='0';
- }else if(buf[i]=='r'){
- // reset the servos
- servo1.write(90);
- servo2.write(110);
- scan_mode1='0';
- scan_mode2='0';
- inc1=0;
- inc2=0;
- }else if(buf[i]=='s' && buf[i+1]=='x'){
- scan_mode1='x';
- inc1=inc;
- }else if(buf[i]=='s' && buf[i+1]=='y'){
- scan_mode2='y';
- inc2=inc;
- }
- }
- }
- if(scan_mode1=='x'){
- degree1=servo1.read();
- if(degree1+dir1*inc1>=180)
- {
- dir1=-1;
- if(scan_mode2=='y'){
- degree2=servo2.read();
- if(degree2+dir2*inc2>=180) dir2=-1;
- else if(degree2+dir2*inc2<=0) dir2=1;
- servo2.write((degree2+dir2*inc2)%180);
- }
- }
- else if(degree1+dir1*inc1<=0){
- dir1=1;
- if(scan_mode2=='y'){
- degree2=servo2.read();
- if(degree2+dir2*inc2>=180) dir2=-1;
- else if(degree2+dir2*inc2<=0) dir2=1;
- servo2.write((degree2+dir2*inc2)%180);
- }
- }
- servo1.write((degree1+dir1*inc1)%180);
- }
- delay(20);
- long microseconds = TP_init();
- int dist_cm = Distance(microseconds);
- Serial.print("Distance_CM = ");
- Serial.println(dist_cm);
- delay(200);
- }
- int Distance(long time)
- {
- // Distance_CM = ((Duration of high level)*(Sonic :340m/s))/2
- // = ((Duration of high level)*(Sonic :0.034 cm/us))/2
- // = ((Duration of high level)/(Sonic :29.4 cm/us))/2
- int dist = time/29/2 ;
- return dist;
- }
- long TP_init()
- {
- digitalWrite(TP, LOW);
- delayMicroseconds(2);
- digitalWrite(TP, HIGH); // pull the Trig pin to high level for more than 10us impulse
- delayMicroseconds(10);
- digitalWrite(TP, LOW);
- long microseconds = pulseIn(EP,HIGH); // waits for the pin to go HIGH, and returns the length of the pulse in microseconds
- return microseconds; // return microseconds
- }
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