Prepare "Remote Debug" configuration
Select menu "Run/Edit Configurations".
Check: "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog pops up.
Click on "+" icon, select "Remote" from the list.
Check: new configuration with name "Unnamed" appears under "Remote" category.
Change configuration name to something more sensible, like "Remote Debug".
Don't change any other parameters, just click "OK".
Run web-application under the debugger
Start gradle task "appStartDebug" under IntelliJ IDEA.
Attention: do not try to start this task under the debugger. Run it in normal mode.
Check: you should see "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005" in "Run" output window.
Select menu "Run/Run...", select "Remote Debug" configuration, select "Debug" command.
Check: you should see "Connected to the target VM, address: 'localhost:5005', transport: 'socket'" in "Debug" output window.
Check: you should see "Run 'gradle appStop' to stop the server." in "Run" output window.
Important: you should stop debugged web-application via gradle task "appStop". Otherwise there will be process hanging.
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