最近发现 osgi的service在debug的时候很慢,开始认为是本机的性能不行,后来发现远程的计算机速度也不快.
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1 Method breakpoints will slow down debugger a lot because of the JVM design, they are expensive to evaluate. Remove method breakpoints and consider using the regular line breakpoints. Ctrl - Shift -F8 查看断点的详细信息,删除方法断点
2 Watch method return values option is enabled in the Debugger Panel. Try disabling this option to improve the performance. 在下面的面板中
3 Enable alternative views for Collections classes and Enable toString()’ object view options enabled in Settings | Debugger | Data Views. If toString() methods take a long time to complete, disable this option. Note that custom toString() methods can also change the semantics of the application when running under debugger in case the code inside these methods changes the state of your application. 在setting的Debugger中Data Views 中java 中 取消两项打钩.
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