// Name : testpoco.cpp
// Author :
// Version :
// Copyright : Your copyright notice
// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
using namespace Poco::Crypto;
typedef std::vector ByteVec;
int aes() {
Cipher::Ptr pCipher = CipherFactory::defaultFactory().createCipher(
std::string in("hongrui xing!");
std::string out = pCipher->encryptString(in, Cipher::ENC_BASE64);
std::string result = pCipher->decryptString(out, Cipher::ENC_BASE64);
std::cout << "加密后:" << out << std::endl;
std::cout << "解密后:" << result << std::endl;
return 0;
int aes2() {
unsigned char i[] = { 219, 157, 180, 130, 179, 204, 171, 242, 251, 112, 209,
173, 100, 219, 141, 179 };
unsigned char k[] = { 49, 17, 199, 69, 242, 178, 153, 25, 129, 86, 8, 125,
151, 171, 20, 162, 4, 247, 64, 221, 42, 57, 80, 69, 48, 164, 8, 34,
44, 24, 9, 90 };
ByteVec key = ByteVec(k, k + sizeof(k) / sizeof(unsigned char));
ByteVec iv = ByteVec(i, i + sizeof(i) / sizeof(unsigned char));
//CipherFactory& cf = CipherFactory::defaultFactory;
CipherFactory& cf = CipherFactory::defaultFactory();
Cipher* c = cf.createCipher(CipherKey("aes256", key, iv));
string plain = "Ahmed";
string crypted = c->encryptString(plain, Cipher::ENC_BASE64);
string decrypted = c->decryptString(crypted, Cipher::ENC_BASE64);
cout << plain << endl << crypted << decrypted;
return 0;
int des() {
unsigned char i[] = { 219, 157, 180, 130, 179, 204, 171, 242, 251, 112, 209,
173, 100, 219, 141, 179 };
unsigned char k[] = { 49, 17, 199, 69, 242, 178, 153, 25, 129, 86, 8, 125,
151, 171, 20, 162, 4, 247, 64, 221, 42, 57, 80, 69, 48, 164, 8, 34,
44, 24, 9, 90 };
ByteVec key = ByteVec(k, k + sizeof(k) / sizeof(unsigned char));
ByteVec iv = ByteVec(i, i + sizeof(i) / sizeof(unsigned char));
CipherFactory& cf = CipherFactory::defaultFactory();
Cipher* c = cf.createCipher(CipherKey("des", key, iv));
string plain = "Ahmed";
string crypted = c->encryptString(plain, Cipher::ENC_BASE64);
string decrypted = c->decryptString(crypted, Cipher::ENC_BASE64);
cout << plain << endl << crypted << decrypted;
return 0;
int main() {
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Poco::NotFoundException'
what(): Not found
An uncaught exception is—by definition—not caught anywhere.
If an exception cannot be handled, the C++ exception mechanism will call std::terminate() (see include header ), which will call a customizable termination handler. On your platform, the standard termination handler prints the output of std::exception::what() (which Poco's exceptions inherit from). Unfortunately, the way Poco's exceptions are designed, this will not contain any useful information.
There are multiple ways an exception cannot be handled:
No suitable catch() handler is found and the unwinding mechanism exits main(). You can try wrapping your main() code in try...catch to print the exception's displayText().
A function exits with an exception that does not match its exception specification (... functionname(...) throw(...)). This will call std::unexpected() which in turn will call std::terminate() (by default).
An exception is thrown from within a destructor that is called during the unwinding process of another exception. Never throw exceptions in destructors!
An exception is thrown while trying to create the original exception object. Never throw exceptions in custom exception classes!
When using Poco threads and a thread is terminated by an unhandled exception, Poco will invoke its internal ErrorHandler and the program will not exit, so I doubt that this is a threading issue.
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