关于关键词 的检测结果,共 101
jeffasdasd | 2015-06-17 14:10:18 | 阅读(840) | 评论(0)
<span style="font-family:sTHeiti;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;color:#464646;white-space:pre-wrap;background-color:#DCDCDC;"><div style="color:#323E32;font-family:simsun;font-size:14px;line-height:21px;white-space:normal;background-color:#D8CCE0;"><span style="word-wrap:normal;word-break:no...【阅读全文】
【iOS平台】 Objective-C入门
jeffasdasd | 2015-06-16 14:37:33 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
Objective-C是一种简单的计算机语言,设计为可以支持真正的面向对象编程。Objective-C通过提供类定义,方法以及属性的语法,还有其他可以提高类的动态扩展能力的结构等,扩展了标准的ANSI C语言。类的语法和设计主要是基于Smalltalk,最早的面向对象编程语言之一。  如果你以前使用过其他面向对象编程语言,那么下面的...【阅读全文】
djstava | 2015-05-25 22:26:04 | 阅读(2790) | 评论(0)
介绍Apple swift调用C语言函数的方法【阅读全文】
【iOS平台】 object-c类的扩展
iWonderLinux | 2015-03-19 13:26:05 | 阅读(1680) | 评论(0)
    创建一个匿名分类,括号之间不指定名字,称为类的扩展。定义一个匿名分类时,可以通过定义附加的实例变量来扩展类,这在命名分类里是不允许的。   匿名分类是非常有用的,因为它们的方法都是私有的,所以如果需要写一个类,而且数据和方法仅供这个类本身来使用,匿名分类比较合适。   ...【阅读全文】
iWonderLinux | 2015-03-18 09:25:11 | 阅读(1090) | 评论(0)
IT_Learner123 | 2015-03-16 14:19:51 | 阅读(440) | 评论(0)
点击(此处)折叠或打开// 判断服务器后台广告开关是否打开-(BOOL)AdIsOpen{    BOOL retIsOpen = false;        NSString* postUrl=@"【阅读全文】
iWonderLinux | 2015-03-05 16:46:15 | 阅读(1740) | 评论(0)
本文转载自:http://my.oschina.net/fuckphp/blog/93217?p=1Object-C 封装了一些常用的Struct,例如:NSRange、NSSize、NSPoint、NSRect 等便于大家的使用,之所以把他们定义成Struct而没有封装成类,是因为,Object-C的对象都是动态分配内存的,如果封装成类的话面临的是更加频繁的内存分配操作,这将会消耗大量...【阅读全文】
iWonderLinux | 2015-03-05 09:53:46 | 阅读(780) | 评论(0)
【iOS平台】 Object C基础笔记(1)
COMPUTER-TECH | 2015-03-03 12:00:05 | 阅读(770) | 评论(0)
1.方法声明: -(void) setNumerator: (int) d;-代表对象方法,+代表类方法(静态方法)(void):返回值setNumerator:方法名(int) d:第一个参数类型和参数名2.obc可调用c++代码(.mm结尾)3.#import取代#include,可以防止重复include4.字符串:NSStringNSString *string1 = @"...【阅读全文】
【iOS平台】 Object-C 基本语法
iWonderLinux | 2015-03-02 18:33:45 | 阅读(5420) | 评论(0)
本文转载自:http://www.cnblogs.com/gbyukg/p/3265565.html文件类型说明:.h     头文件,用于定义类、实例变量及类中的方法等定义信息(interface)。.m    源文件,定义方法体,可实现objce-c和c方法(implementation)。.mm   c++源文件引用头文件:可通过#import关键字引入想要使用的头文件,该关...【阅读全文】
cblock_cu | 2015-01-22 14:48:46 | 阅读(1090) | 评论(0)
pinkbabyht | 2015-01-09 09:27:08 | 阅读(110) | 评论(0)
However, it is only part of a more comprehensive self-definition of Englishness developed in the nineteenth century but traceable to earlier centuries, which formed the bedrock of British attitudes to Continental Europe until at least the Second World War. Origins And Establishment Of Anglo-Saxonism...【阅读全文】
pinkbabywa | 2014-12-08 10:44:12 | 阅读(70) | 评论(0)
qui s'étaient succédé lesuns les autres à ce dangereux emploi de Kotaou. Le tyran, fatigué de sevoir toujours reprocher de nouveaux crime, céda à des gens quirenaissaient sans cesse, Il fut étonné de la fermeté de ces ames généreuseset de l'impuissance des supplice, et la cruauté eut en...【阅读全文】
xiaotui11 | 2014-11-20 12:04:46 | 阅读(570) | 评论(0)
当我们发布了Swift语言学习课程之后,收到了很多邮件和私信来问自己是否还需要学习C或者Objective-C。此外,人们似乎还在迷惑Swift到底适合iOS开发生态中的哪些部分。通过这篇文章,我希望能扫清你的疑惑并且将你送到正确的学习轨道上。 我应该先学C/Objective-C还是直接学Swift? Swift是一个...【阅读全文】
zhuzw5486 | 2014-10-26 19:34:04 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
If you’re an Objective-C developer you can get a lot done without understanding the C roots in Objective-C or the object model employed by Objective-C. In fact, trying to learn the object model can be intimidating and confusing because some peculiar complexities.Even if it’s a little complex...【阅读全文】
【iOS平台】 Objective-C Runtime
zhuzw5486 | 2014-10-26 18:23:43 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
COMPUTER-TECH | 2014-10-19 09:03:20 | 阅读(630) | 评论(0)
Q:  A company has asked me to deliver them a c/c++ library. They want to use it in an iphone app, which is objective c based.I would prefer to deliver a library as opposed to code.Could they wrap the c/c++ library into their iphone app without any need to see the source code?Thank...【阅读全文】
COMPUTER-TECH | 2014-10-11 03:24:20 | 阅读(1580) | 评论(0)
HowTo compile native C codes to a library for iOS development in Xcode – take Mosquitto as an examplePosted on 2011/10/30 by allen For iOS development, sometimes you want to use a existed native C codes for help. Objective-C is a superset of C so it’s easy to combine C codes in your ...【阅读全文】
COMPUTER-TECH | 2014-10-11 03:02:02 | 阅读(800) | 评论(0)
Strategies for Using C++ in Objective-C Projects (and vice versa)Update (May 2012): while nothing in this article is incorrect, there have been some changes to Objective-C since clang became Apple's primary compiler. This means there is now an easier way to combine C++ and Objective-C than the...【阅读全文】
COMPUTER-TECH | 2014-10-11 02:56:55 | 阅读(1600) | 评论(0)
Cross-platform (iOS/Android) Mobile App development using C++At AmigoCloud, we use tons of C++ & OpenGL for our Mapping applications.Funny enough, when I talk to tech-people about our startup and tell them that we have a cross-platform framework, the first words that come out of their mout...【阅读全文】