发布时间:2018-05-10 13:04:01
先上说明文档网址:http://web.mit.edu/barnowl/share/gtk-doc/html/glib/glib-Strings.html学过面向对象语言的同学一定都知道String类,一定知道这个类对字符串的操作是多麽的方便,但是c语言中是没有这个类,甚至没有类的概念,但是glib帮我们做的这个“类” GString除了使用gchar *进行字符串处.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-05-10 10:35:39
The problem with writing a book on GTK+ is that the library is constantly changing and you cannot possibly fit every topic into the book. Therefore, I have created a series of tutorials that highlight topics that were not covered in the book. All of the examples in this tutorial are released .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-05-02 16:58:28
本文将介绍在linux下源码安装glib库的过程,这过程很麻烦,一点都不轻松,故记录下。1、安装glib我下载了个glib-2.48.1.tar.xz,如果是.tar.xz格式用tar -xvf解压,如果是.tar.gz格式用tar -zxvf解压./configure make make install2、zlib问题configure: error: *** Working zlib library and header.........【阅读全文】