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HL Petroleum Equipment Co. Ltd.





发布时间:2014-12-11 17:48:24

HL Petroleum HJB Series Mud Agitator is a part of solid control system of mud tank, which is mainly used to agitate drilling fluid so as to prevent the precipitation of solid particles in its tank cycling system and keep the mud property of circulation stable and homogeneous.......【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2014-07-03 15:04:50

Introduction:SB series Sand Pumps is supplementary pump, newly designed according to features of petroleum and natural gas drilling equipment.It adopted the axial suction structure. The Flow components is wear-resistant cast iron, so it is applicable to transport corrosive drilling fluid with susp.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2014-06-30 16:36:09

Introduction:LW series centrifuge, widely used in solid control system for drilling mud, mainly operates the drilling fluid solid-liquid separation, dislodging the detrimental detrital material of drilling muds, so as to make sure the security , recycle the precious weighting materials such as ba.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2014-06-30 16:33:05

Introduction:LW series centrifuge, widely used in solid control system for drilling mud, mainly operates the drilling fluid solid-liquid separation, dislodging the detrimental detrital material of drilling muds, so as to make sure the security , recycle the precious weighting materials such as bar.........【阅读全文】

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