发布时间:2019-12-17 14:27:22
And also it is defined in ABAP help that only read operation is supported. For other operation like write, you have to still use original database table.I have a CDS view Zp_Mara_Redirect and its corresponding database view is zmara_cds.When I try to insert some entry to CDS view, I get foll.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-12-14 08:47:18
Its byte code is generated dynamically and stored in variable byte[] b in line 217.Let's see another example of injecting pre-exit and post-exit ( which ABAPers are very familiar with ) into a given method via dynamic proxy generated by CGLIB:I have a class MyMEthodExitDemo which has a norma.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-12-11 10:16:45
发布时间:2019-12-02 15:42:27
那些年我用过的SAP IDE不喜欢SAP GUI?那试试用Eclipse进行ABAP开发吧使用Visual Studio Code编写和激活ABAP代码俗话说,佛靠金装,人靠衣装。咱们程序员虽然平日上班都穿千篇一律的职业装:Jerry衣柜里最不缺这种衣服:我们点了Save按钮后,这些个性化设置保存在本地某处。那么以ABAP.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-12-02 13:47:17
关于如何用SAP + HPGL语言在SAPGUI里画出这只哆啦A梦来,参考Jerry的文章:本文要介绍的是另一种在SAPGUI里用ABAP绘图的方式。矢量图(Scalable Vector Graphics)也是一种图像格式,和传统的图像格式相比具有很多优点,因此近些年使用越来越广泛:看个具体的例子。一个矩形由四条边组成,所以一个矩形的SVG实现,.........【阅读全文】