发布时间:2020-02-06 14:12:48
This view has an association named _statushelp:I would like to read the guid from host view Zorder_Sys_Status together with its associated data via association _statushelp.(2) Use the following syntax in ABAP code:DATA: lt_data TYPE tt_Data.guid,\_STATUSHELP-STATUS_TEXT AS STA.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-02-06 13:33:44
And we can see the entries in search attribute drop down list is rendered via this method in controller:For example, if we DO NOT want the product_id appear in UI as search attribute, the solution is simple:# Note(2) There is NO WAY to hide those fields in overview page via ABAP code.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-02-06 12:44:43
In tcode SU01, I can only see PFCG roles assigned to my user. Note that authorization object is not directly assigned to user but to PFCG roles. So, PFCG roles act as an intermediate layer:This table stores for a given user, what PFCG roles are assigned to it.Tcode SUIM:Double click.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-02-05 14:02:24
发布时间:2020-02-05 13:20:03
今天这篇文章的主题是机器人(Robot).几个月前我才欣赏完最新上映的终结者:黑暗命运(Dark Fate),又一部收割终结者粉丝情怀的续作。下图是Linda Hamilton在1991年《终结者II》里的剧照:当我看见屏幕上州长扮演的T800在这一部里说出了“I won't be back”的时候,我才真正意识到,州长老了,这应该是他饰演.........【阅读全文】