发布时间:2014-04-02 11:35:37
What is the fastest way to copy memory on a Cortex-A8?Applies to: Cortex-A8, RealView Development Suite (RVDS)AnswerMany applications frequently copy substantial amounts of data from one area of memory to another, typically using the memcpy() C library function. As .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-12-12 13:17:00
OverviewXDC 是Synopsys Design Contstraints 和 Xilinx专有约束的集合。XDC 还是TCL 命令Vivado Design Suite synthesis and implementation tools are timing driver.1) 方法一: 通过添加constrain 文件来添加Open Synthesized Design --> Edit Timing Constraints 2) 方法二.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-12-11 17:38:38
1) An embedded GPU core excecutes multiple threads but all threads run the same set of instruction,operating on different data 所有的线程执行同样的代码但是不同的数据2) 基于嵌入式GPU的图形处理2.1 内存传输带宽2.2 GPU更适合浮点运算如Gaussian filter2.3 shader 指.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-12-11 15:05:19
设计目的OpenVIDIA 是设计作为一个library能够被用户写的OpenGL 程序所用, 它提供了一个API 实现了一个视觉算法在图形卡上j比如图像滤波3.1 图像处理和滤波......【阅读全文】