输入 ov (dir) 可以查看当前路径的属性
输入 ov((gps)[0]) 可以查看到Get-Process命令返回的第一个对象的属性
输入 ov(new-object"win32_operatingsystem")) 可以查看WMI类win32_operatingsystem的属性
# will show an Object in a PropertyGrid (propertywindow in Visual Studio)
# this is an easy way to look at MSH objects.
# you can read / write the object properties.
# and it has some nice editors for some properties
# eg. ov (gi test.txt)will let you change the date by a calendarview
# /\/\o\/\/ 2005
function ObjectViewer {
$form=new-object "System.Windows.Forms.Form"
$form.Size =new-object System.Drawing.Size @(600,600)
$PG=new-object "System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid"
$PG.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill
$form.text = "$args"
$PG.selectedobject = $args[0].psobject.baseobject
$form.topmost = $true
set-Alias OV ObjectViewer
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