cmd用户可能喜欢使用copy con ...这个命令, con是一个伪文件, 表示接受用户的输入, 并将其存储到文件中.
下面是 Thomas Lee 写的一个小脚本, 脚本历史很悠久了...那时候PowerShell还叫MSH呢.
# CopyfromConsole.msh
# Author Thomas Lee, based on a news posting by an unknown user
# This function copies text from the console and pipes it to a filee
# which gets around MSH's lack of a CON: (or abilty to do copy con: !)
# if you call this without any paramaters, out-file prompts for a filename
Function CopyfromConsole {
param ($outfile="")
if ($outfile-eq"")
[system.console]::in.readtoend() | out-file
[system.console]::in.readtoend() | out-file$outfile
set-alias copyconCopyfromConsole
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