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2009-09-29 22:15:27

Comming upon ACT II, Grandpa, Philip and Robbie go fishing.

- I just saw a big one.

A young boy named Albert is fishing too. But he's alone. Grandpa teaches Robbie his fish (arrounds) magic.
- Fish, fish, send me fish.

And Robbie gets lucky.
- I got one.

But later, there's troule.
- Help!


A lake in upstate New York

- It's a really neat.(wrong, it should be: This is really neat.原因:it's和this is在开头处分得不是很清楚) When do we eat?
- First, we have to catch fish.(wrong, it should be: catch some fish.原因:这里,Philip把some这个词说得很轻,可能只有语感好的才听得出来)
- In noray catch in fish,(wrong, it should be: In order to catch fish.原因,对in order to这个说法还不熟悉)you have to do this, here we go. That's it. Then, grab into work,(wrong, it should be: Then, drop it into the water 原因:没原因) all of this comes to before eating.
- How do you konw so much about fishing?
- Grandpa told me. We spend a lot of time fishing together. The important thing is to get the pork push to the fish,(wrong, it should be: The important thing is to get the hook close to the fish. 原因:对hook这个词发音不熟悉,另外,Philip说close这个词说
的比较轻,我没听出来) all right? Like this.
- I think I see some fish dangerous Dad.(wrong, it should be: I think I see some fish right under us, Dad.原因,right under us这个组合连在一起说,我完全招架不住啊)  
- Oh, not a chance.
- I just saw a big one.

- Hi, (er).(wrong, it should be: Hi, there.原因:这个Hi,there打招呼的方式很奇特,应该是美式口语的特色吧)
- Hi.
- What's your name?
- Albert.
- Are you a alone. (wrong, it should be: Are you all alone?
- Yes, sir.  
- Holy you are work.(wrong, it should be: how old are you Albert? 原因,听力不死火,这句话后来在不经意的时候又听出来了)
- I'm ten.
- Where is your father?
- He's up there to watch.(wrong, it should be: He's up there at the lodge. 原因:对lodge这个词不认识)
- To be seen you a year.(wrong, it should be: Does he konw you're here? 原因:没原因)
- Yes, sir.
- Ok, Robbie, you may be should watch him. The water should be pretty deep.
- I'll watch hime Dad.

- What time is it? (相当于what's the time?)
- It's almost lunch time. but no fish yet.
- I can go up to luch for some hot drarks drinks? (wrong, it should be: I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks? 原因:一是对lodge这个词不认识,二是对hot dogs不敏感)
- No way. We are here to catch our lunch.
- To catch fish, you need the right magic.
- That's right. I forgot, the right magic. Do for Robbie, Dad.(wrong, it should be: Do it for Robbie, Dad. 原因:Do it,细节的东西要仔细听,另外,如果仅凭语感,也应该能知道不可能说Do for Robbie,而应该说Do it for Robbie)
- You remember?
- Sure.
- But first, you have to turn your hat on like this.(wrong, it should be: Well first, you have to turn your hat around like this.原因:对开头的well听的不死火,对组合turn around不熟悉) Then, close your eyes, and say the magic words: fish, fish, send me fish.
- Fish, fish, send me fish. I got one.
- saying worch.  (wrong, it should be: See, it works. 原因:没原因,死记硬背吧)
- It's a big one.
- It always for me too. (wrong, it should be: Well, it always worked for me, too. 原因:it works,要熟悉这个组合)
- Grandpa get the nap please?(wrong,it should be: Grandpa, get the net, please.原因:钓鱼,当然要有net渔网,这是常识.)
- Dad, you got one too.
- You better have. (wrong, it should be: You bet I have.原因,对you bet这种说法还不熟悉)
- Easy Philip, easy.
- Sorry, Dad.
- But I've one more xxxx get pair boots. (wrong, it should be: Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots. 美式幽默)
- You didn't say the magic words.
- Robbie's right.
- Yes, but you did. And we've got our lunch.
- It's bit fun cook it. (wrong, it should be: Let's build a fire and cook it. 原因:对build a fire这个组合没听过)
- Come on Albert, could you help us?
- I wanna stay here in fish.(wrong, it should be: I wanna stay here and fish. 原因:对中间的介词and发音把握的很不好)   
- All right, but be careful.

- Is it finished yet?
- I think so. I hope you like your fish  well done.
- Burned, you mean?
- I'm a doctor. A shelf.(wrong, it should be: I'm a doctor, not a chef. 原因:我没仔细听,所以not这个词没听出来,不应该,另外,对chef这个单词不知道)
- Hahahaha

- Help, help, I cann't swim.
- Dad, Grandpa, he falls in.
- It's nothing wrong. Help us.(wrong, it should be: Easy does it, Robbie. That a boy. That's it. 原因:这些句子说的实在太轻了)
- He's breathing. (wrong, it should be: He's not breathing, Philip. 原因,对NOT没听仔细)
- Robbie, run to the car and bring xxxxxxxxx(wrong, it should be: Bring a blanket and my medical bag.原因:说的实在太快) 
- Yes, Dad.
- come on son, come on son.
- Breath open.(wrong, it should be: Breathe, Albert. 原因:我也不知道为什么没听出来,感觉很简单一句话啊)

first, next, after that, later on, finally
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chinaunix网友2009-09-29 22:18:41

Let's build a fire and cook it. build a fire 生火 这个表达方式要记住

chinaunix网友2009-09-29 22:17:03

you bet I have

chinaunix网友2009-09-29 22:16:55

turn around (使)转身, (使)转换方向 The bus had to back up and turn around. 那辆公共汽车不得不先往后退, 然后再掉头。 (使)好转 Do you think our housing sales will turn around during this year? 你认为今年我们的住宅销路会好转吗? 使变得完全不同, 曲解 He turned my question around so that it sounded foolish. 他把我的问题歪曲得听上去愚蠢可笑。 改变意见 He seems to have quite turned around. 他似乎完全改变了意见。

chinaunix网友2009-09-29 22:16:46

lodge vi. 暂住, 借宿 vt. 供…以临时住处 She seldom lodged the tourists. 她很少留宿游人。 向当局提出声明 It is too late to lodge any objections. 现在提出任何异议已为时太晚。 n. 乡间小屋, 旅舍 We stayed at a lodge. 我们在一间小屋里暂住。

chinaunix网友2009-09-29 22:16:30

Hi,there! 你好! (这个打招呼的方式有点奇特)