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2009-10-24 15:49:49

Life is not necessarily less comfortable in large cities.
1. Quality of life is not just about cleaner air, less traffic and cheaper food and housing. For younger people, there's also higher-paying jobs, better universities, bigger museums, more movie theaters, Karaoke bars and shopping malls. Smaller cities can't compete with that.
2. As urbanization increases, government and society are also making an effort to improve standards of living in big cities by reducing pollution and improving traffic. Urban life in the long run will improve.
3. Whatever other problems cities bring, nobody can deny that education and job possibilities are much greater there than in small towns of the countryside. This advantage alone has caused millions of people to give up the other comforts to move to cities.
clean air 洁净的空气
high-paying job 高收入的工作
movie theater 电影院
shopping mall 商场
compete with ... 与……竞争
make an effort to do sth 努力做某事
improve standards of living 提高生活标准
reduce pollution 减少污染
in the long run 在长期
job possibility 工作的可能性
small towns of the countryside 农村的小城镇
cause sb to do sth 使某人做某事
give up comforts 放弃舒适
not necessarily 不必然地
necessarily adv. 必然,必定
urbanization n. 都市化,城市化
traffic n. 交通
comfortable adj. 舒服的,轻松的
museum n. 博物馆
karaoke n. 卡拉OK
government n. 政府
society n. 社会
standard n. 标准
pollution n. 污染
deny v. 否认
advantage n. 优势
cause v. 引起
million num. 百万
education n. 教育
compete v. 比赛;竞争
possibility n. 可能性;发展前途
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