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2009-10-26 08:02:34

Big cities are getting too big and stressful for a lot of people.
1. Dozens of second-and-third-tier cities are actually able to compete with big metropolises in terms of life quality. Life is less stressful there and big-city attractions can be found. The cheaper housing in smaller cities is a major plus.
2. Anybody can see that pollution and traffic problems are getting worse in big cities. This is unlikely to change in the case of children and older folks. That's the reason for the "suburbanization" trend, where the richest move out of cities.
3. Big cities don't provide equal opportunities for everyone. When rich people move into cities, they cause costs to go up and the urban poor find everything, especially housing, too expensive. Eventually some of them will be forced to move to smaller cheaper cities because they have no choice.
compete with ... 与……竞争
second-tier city 二级城市
in terms of ... 就……而言
a major plus 一个重要的优势
be unlikely to 不太可能
be the near future 在不久的将来
cause costs to go up 引起物价上涨
be forced to do sth 被迫做某事
old fork 老人
provide equal opportunities 提供平等的机会
plus n. 优势,有利条件
suburbanization n. 郊区化
trend n. 流行,趋势
traffic n. 交通
pollution n. 污染
cause v. 引起
dozen n. (一)打,十二个
attraction n. 吸引,吸引人的事物
unlikely adj. 不大可能的
eventuallly adv. 最终,终于
force v. 强迫,促使
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
stressful adj. 有压力的
compete v. 比赛,竞争
factor n. 因素
provide v. 提供
equal adj. 平等的
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