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2009-10-24 11:38:30

Would you sacritice quality of life for a better career chance in a big city?
This is one of the questions in a survey of 8,000 people by China Youth Daily. It found out that 52.9 percent think that big cities like Beijing and Shanghai offer more opportunities for career development. But only 17.8 percent think there's a quality to life in these fast-paced, expensive places. Meanwhile, 34.5 percent think it's easier to live a less stressful life in a medium-sized city.
The survey also found that people may not be entirely satisfied with what they have, but are reluctant to move because they can't find certain things elsewhere.
Most (89.3 percent) of those surveyed who live in major cities say they have great opportunities where they are. However, more than 60 percent of them say they wish they could live in a smaller town. This conflict highlights one of the most difficult choices modern, mobile Chinese face.
Do the charms and greater prospects of metropolitan life compensate for the less comfortable life in the city?
quality of life 生活质量
sacrifice B for A 为了A而牺牲B
career development 事业发展
live a less stressful life 过压力小一些的生活
a medium-size city 一个中等规模的城市
be entirely satisfied with ... 对……完成满意
most of those surveyed 大多数接受调查的人
highlight the difficult choice 凸显了这个艰难的选择
mobile Chinese 流动性强调中国人
great prospect 良好的前景
metropolitan life 都市生活
compensate for ... 补偿了……
career chance 职场机遇
fast-paced 快节奏的
be reluctant to do sth. 不情愿做某事
sacrifice v. 牺牲
entirely adv. 完全地,彻底地
career n. 职业生涯
survey n. 调查,民意测验
meanwhile adv. 与此同时
reluctant adj. 不情愿的
highlight v. 加亮,使显著
charm n. 魅力
metropolitan adj. 主要都市的
compensate v. 补偿,赔偿
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
development n. 发展
stressful adj. 有压力的
conflict n. 争论;冲突
mobile adj. 流动的;移动的
prospect n. 希望,前途
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