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2009-10-13 11:57:53

Qing Qing, a sophomore architecturemajor at a Beijing university, gets up at 5:30 every morning. While her roommates are still sleeping, she slips into the bathroom and injects herself with insulin while crouching near the toilet.
Qing was diagnosed with Type I diabetes while in primary school. She hides her illness because, she says, "the university will expel me if I tell the truth."
Qing's worry is not goundless. Last week, a diabetic freshman surnamed Wang was dismissed from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SUTCM) because of his "serious endocrine disease".
Guidelines by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and the China Disabled Persons' Federation in 2003 permit universities to reject or dismiss students found to have serious medical conditions. As a result, such students who hope to get a unversity degree are often forced to hide their condition.
SUTCM spokespenson Liang Hongwen explained the university's decision to dismiss Wang this way:"We cannot afford the sky-high medical bills, and insurance companies do not offer health insurance for people with such severe illnesses." Liang's reasonling is typical of universities that defend the policy, University students receive an insurance policy that covers basic medical cost.
slip into 悄悄溜进
inject oneself with insulin 给自己注射胰岛素
be diagnosed with ... 被诊断患有……
Type I diabetes 一型糖尿病
hide illness 隐瞒病情
expel a student 开除学生
tell the truth 说出事实
her worry is not groundless 她的担心不无根据
a diabetic freshman 一个患有糖尿病的大一新生
be dismissed from ... 被……开除
traditional Chinese medicine 中药
serious endocrine disease 严重的内分泌疾病
the Ministry of Health 卫生部
a disabled person 残疾人
regect or dismiss a student 拒绝或开除学生
serious medical conditions 严重的病情
get a university degreee 拿到大学学位
hide one's medical conditions 隐瞒病情
sky-high medical bills 巨额医药费
insurance company 保险公司
offer health insurance 提供健康险
a person with severe illness 患有严重疾病的人
defend the policy 捍卫这项政策
cover basic medical costs 覆盖基本的医疗费用
condition n. 状况,情况
sophomore n. 大二学生
freshman n. 大一新生
diabetes n. 糖尿病
diabetic adj. 糖尿病的
insulin n. 胰岛素
crouch v. 蹲下,蜷缩
groundless adj. 无根据的,没有理由的
endocrine adj. 内分泌的
guideline n. 指导方针
spokesperson n. 发言人
slip v. 溜;悄悄走
bathroom n. 浴室
inject v. 注射
diagnose v. 诊断(疾病)
hide vt. 藏,隐瞒
expel v. 驱逐,开除
traditional adj. 传统的
medicine n. 药
disabled adj. 残废的
federation n. 联邦,联合,联盟
permit v. 允许,容许
degree n. 学位
explain v. 解释,说明
afford v. 买得起,负担得起
bill n. 账单
insurance n. 保险
typical adj. 典型的
defend vt. 保护;为……辩护
cover v. 覆盖;包含
architecture n. 建筑,建筑学
major n. (大学专业的)主修学生
roommate n. 室友
surname v. 用姓称呼
dismiss v. 解雇;开除
ministry n. (政府)部
policy n. 政策
reject v. 拒绝
medical adj. 医疗的,医学的
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