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2009-10-13 08:00:47

Shi Daiqiang, an AIDS expert, advocates a practical approach. "What we can do now is to encourage safe an responsible sex, rather than prohibiting it."
Researchers have pointed out two common problems encountered in AIDS-education efforts. The education is not practical, and teachers are relucatant to mention words like "sex" or condom", which are essential to instruction about safe behaviors.
Supporters of Zhejiang University's "chastity training course" feel it serves as an important counterweight to the wave of "sexual liberty" that has changed many youngsters' attitude to sex in recent years.
Striking a similar note, Shanghai resident Xiao Wang, 23, argues that, "The threat of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases is real. Such courses help young people protect themselves. It doesn't just discourage premarital sex but teaches students about responsible and safe sex."
encourage responsible sex 鼓励负责任的性行为
advocate a practical approach 主张务实的方法
point out 指出
encounter two common problems 遇到两个普遍的问题
be relucatant to do sth 不愿意做某事
servs as 作为,有……的作用
a counterweight to ... 一种对……的抗衡
the wave of "sexual liberty" "性自由“的浪潮
sexually transmitted disease 性病
strike a similar note 用了一种类似的论调
discourage v. 使泄气,使灰心
encounter v. 遭遇
reseracher n. 研究员
condom n. 避孕套
supporter n. 支持者
counterweight n. 抗衡,平衡力
course n. 课程
expert n. 专家
advocate v. 拥护,提倡,主张
practical adj. 实际的,实用的
prohibit vt. 禁止
reluctant adj. 不情愿的
mention v. 论及,提及
essential adj. 基本的
instruction n. 说明,教导
transmit vt. 传播,传染
encourage v. 鼓励
training n. 培训
attitude n. 态度
chastity n. 纯洁,贞节
responsible adj. 负责的
approach n. 方法;步骤
libertyy n. 自由
youngster n. 年轻人
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