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2009-10-14 12:00:40

However, some schools have found a way around the guidelines. They allow students with serious medical conditions to attend as long as they sign a medical release form. This form relieves the university of all financial responsibility for the student's medical condition.
Liu Ping, a diabetic student attending a university in Guangzhou, said he could continue his study because his parents signed such an exemption clause when he registered at his school. "I have to pay for the medical costs and afford the risk all by myself," said Liu.
The ministry guidelines have drawn widespread criticism, including criticism from some medical experts.
"Diabetic students often inject themselves secretly. Such pressure can raise their blood-sugar levels," said Professor Wang Zhili, president of Beijing Chaoyang Diabetes Hospital." An insulin must be preserved in freezers, universities should help students."
serious medical conditions 严重的病情
pay for medical cost 支付医疗费用
sign a medical release form 签署医疗免责表格
relieve the university of ... 免去了大学……
financial responsibility 财政责任
continue one's study  继续学业
sign an exemption clause 签署了免责条款
register at one's school 在学校注册
afford the risk all by oneself 独自承担危险
draw widespread criticism 引来广泛的指责
medical expert 医学专家
blood sugar 血糖
increase blood-sugar level 增高血糖水平
be preserved in freezer 在冷冻设备中保存
condition n. 状况,情况
criticism n. 批评
relieve v. 减轻,解除
widespread adj. 分布广的,普遍的
diabetes n. 糖尿病
insulin n. 胰岛素
guideline n. 指导方针
expemption n. 解除,免除
freezer n. 冷冻设备
attend v. 参加,出席
expert n. 专家
inject v. 注射
financial adj. 金融的,财政的
responsibility n. 责任
clause n. 条款
register v. 登记,注册
preserve v. 保存
ministry n. (政府的)部
medical adj. 医疗的,医学的
sign v. 签字
release n. 豁免;免除
pressure n. 压力
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