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2009-10-12 14:40:52

China has seen revolutionary changes in the past decades, says Shanghai University sociology professor Gu Jun. Many changes have been positive, such as the progress in independent rights for women. But some changes have been negative, such as the attitude toward sex, which sees chastity as out dated and premarital sex as normal and even beneficial. Premarital sex is winning more adherents, he adds.
Premarital sex is an issue that is closely related to social conventions and a society's cultural echos. In this sense, it is not merely a matter of private choice but has wider social significance.
However, not everyone agrees with the sex-after-marriage campaign. For example, office clerk Zhang Yue says, "Such a course confuses responsible sex with unsafe and irresponsible sex." There are those who argue that such a training course represents an an outdated view of sex and believe it goes against youngsters' natural night to have sex.
revolutionary change 革命性的变化
positive change 积极正面的变化
independent rights for women 妇女独立的权利
attitude toward sex 对待性的态度
see chastity as outdated 把贞操看作是过时的
win more adherents 赢得更多的追随者
be closely related to 和……密切相关
social convention 社会习俗
cultural ethos 文化气息
not merely 不仅仅是
private choice 个人选择
have wider social significance 有更大的社会意义
office clerk 办公室职员
confuse ... with ... 把……和……混淆起来
encourage responsible sex 鼓励负责任的性行为
unsafe and irresponsible sex 不安全不负责的性行为
represent an outdated view 代表了一种过时的观点
natural right 天生的权利
confuse v. 是混乱,混淆
positive adj. 积极的;正面的
revolutionary adj. 革命的,革命性的
outdated adj. 过时的
adherent n. 拥护者
ethos n. 气质,气息,风气
irresponsible adj. 不负责的
course n. 课程
sociology n. 社会学
negative adj. 消极的;负面的
social adj. 社会的
clerk n. 职员
premarital adj. 婚前的
independent adj. 独立的
attitude n. 态度
chastity n. 纯洁,贞节
beneficial adj. 有利的,有益的
convention n. 习俗
cultural adj. 文化的
campaign n. 战役;运动
responsible adj. 负责的
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