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2009-10-12 07:43:51

A young man invites a girl to his home:"Lily, would you like to come to my home to study?" and throws in a bait, "My parents are there." But when the girl arrives, she finds the boy's parents are not at home.
This is a scene from a skit playing at a training course in Zhejiang University.
What does the girl do next?
It is a question aimed at urging all the students attending the course to abstain from premarital sex.
"We have no idea what to do in such a situation where no third person is present," says Xiao Jin after watching the show. "Maybe such role play can help us avoid some 'mistakes'."
Tha main focus of this training program, for which around 200 students signed up, is to convince students to abstain from sex before marriage and foster "a sense of responsibility", says the organizer Li Yinqi, a student leader of Zhejiang University Red Cross.
invite sb to ... 邀请某人去……
throw in a bait 丢出诱饵
a scene from a skit  短剧中的一个场景
training course 培训课程
aim at 针对,瞄准
attend the course 参加课程
abstain from 节制,禁欲
no third person is present 没有第三人在场
role play 角色扮演
avoid mistakes 避免错误
sign up 报名参加
convince sb to do sth 使某人信服地去做某事
foster a sense of responsibility 培养一种责任感
Red Cross 红十字会
premarital sex 婚前性行为
convince v. 使确信,使信服
bait n. 诱饵
skit n. 滑稽短剧
invite v. 邀请
course n. 课程
attend v. 参加,出席
situation n. 形势
present adj. 出席的,在场的
foster v. 培养
organizer n. 组织者
responsibility n. 责任
training n. 培训
abstain v. 禁绝,避免
premarital adj. 婚前的
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