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2009-10-09 16:20:44

I was born adn brought up in Guangzhou, where people around me were quite open about sex. At the age of 18, I just felt I'd lose face if friends knew I was still a virgin.
At that time, both of my parents were busy with their businesses. So during the summer holiday before entering college, I secretly rented an apartment.
My then-boyfriend and I were eager to sleep together. I still clearly remember thinking after my first sex experience:"That's it?" Actually, I didn't feel much of anything.
After I went to college, I was surprised to find that many people were still virgins. Over time, I realized that I had bought into the media culture around me.
Sex seemed to be everywhere - on TV, in magazines. Even song lyrics contained sexual overtones. They had made me think everyone was doing it.
be open about sex 对性(的态度)开放
bring up 抚养
lose face 丢脸
busy with one's business 忙着自己的事情
summer holiday 暑假
be eager to do sth  急切地做某事
my first experience 我的初次经历
buy into 相信
media culture 媒体文化
sexual overtone 关于性的暗示
rent an apartment 租了一间公寓
secretly adv. 秘密地
lyric n. 歌词
overtone n. 暗示,言外之意
virgin n. 处女
apartment n. 公寓
sexual adj. 性的,性别的
actually adv. 实际的
media n. 媒体
magazine n. 杂志
culture n. 杂志
culture n. 文化
eager adj. 渴望的,急切的
experience n. 经历,经验
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